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Jade's POV

I told Jax what had happened with the chocolate.

He said it's not the first time some has tried to poison him.

But it does happen rarely.

He was going to send the police to investigate but I threw away the chocolates.

so now there is no evidence.


Also, the asshole just let me eat them without checking them first.

He said there's nothing we can do about now so it's better to just forget about.

I don't know why. I was almost killed and that could have been him.

I can't argue with him. Actually, you know what--

Nope. Not going to do it.



I better control my petty side of my personality this time.

He is extremely distracted right now.

I could have a gun to his head right now and he wouldn't notice until after I pull the trigger.

Maybe I should use one of those confetti poppers to get his attention.

"Hey, Nick," I spoke as he walked out of Jax's office.

"Yeah?" He walked over to my desk.

"Why is Jax so distracted?"

"You still don't know?"

"If I did know I wouldn't be asking."

"This weekend is Jax's gala. He throws it every year for his parents. Why don't you know this?"

"I didn't even know Jax existed last year!"

"Still there should have been an invitation on your desk like two weeks ago."

"Guess I'm not invited."

"Either that or a tornado came and paid a visit to your desk."

"Don't judge me! I've never had a desk job."

He sighed and started to look through all my papers. "It has to be here somewhere."

I saw something out of the corner of my eye. In the trash can next to my desk.

"Is this it?" I asked as I pulled it out of the trash disgusted.

It was a blue envelope with a white glossy paper on the inside all torn a shredded.

"Yes, that's it. How did it get all torn up?"

"Well, it couldn't have been Princess. She follows me everywhere all day."

"Even the bathroom?" Nick asked confused.

"Weirdly enough she waits outside the stall."

We turned our heads to her but she was peacefully sleeping.

"Then whoever tore it up didn't want you going."

"And they found the invitation recently because the janitor took my trash out this morning."

"That's weird. Just throw that one away. I'll get you a new one."

"Thanks." I threw the envelope back into the trash.

Nick left and came back with a brand new clean one.

"Do I have to go to this?" I whined.

"You are Jax's bodyguard. If anything happens you have to protect him. You're technically working."

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