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Jade's POV

I sighed as I stared at myself in the mirror.

Katie said if it's just dinner then I should wear something simple.

So I wore a plain black sundress with a white waist length jacket. The jacket that the sleeves rolled up to the elbow.

My hair and makeup were also simple. I just curled my hair and used natural light makeup.

I'm being forced to go to dinner the least he could do was tell me what for.

He said it was for work but I haven't seen anything go wrong.

I was nervous. What if I did something wrong and I was getting fired?

It has to have something to do with me.

I turned away from my mirror and picked up the letter.

I didn't reread it I just stared at it. I don't know why but I did.

Jax just kept popping up into my head. Mostly all the annoying stuff he does.

All the fake cheesy smirks he does to the press.

They way he winks to girls that scream his name.

How can one do all that and still manage to have a stable girlfriend.

Who am I kidding? Jessica is no where near stable.

I'm not even at his house yet and they're already getting on my nerves.

Jessica then popped up into my mind.

The bitch.

All the things she's done came racing around my head.

She acts like she's so perfect all the damn time.

How can Jax love that witch?

I've had enough of her bullshit.

I put the letter back down on my bed and grabbed the box from underneath my bed.

If Jessica doesn't come clean to Jax then I will.

Evidence or not.

He needs to know what she really is.

I grabbed a single photo from the box. I stared at it for a while before I put it into my jacket pocket.

I grabbed my stuff and walked towards the door.

As my hand grabbed the door handle I froze.

Am I ready to come completely clean with my horrible past.

Am I truly ready to reveal my sister's and mother's story.

I have to.

It's the only way to make sure she doesn't hurt anyone else again.

I remembered my mother's face. Then Amparo's.

A single tear traveled down my face as I opened the door.

I wiped it away and walked out of my apartment.


I just arrived at Jax's house. I walked up the front door.

There were two security guards standing by the door.

I recognized them from the party.

They nodded their heads at me and opened the door to let me in.

I looked around the entrance the same way I did the first time I came here.

Jax came up to me and greeted me with a friendly smile.

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