23-Put it out

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Jade's POV

I sat up in bed quickly. I was breathing heavily and my heart was racing.

Another nightmare. About my family.

I've been getting them for about a week now maybe a week and a half.

I don't know why. I haven't gotten nightmares like these in years.

I've been loosing a lot of sleep.

I've pulled all nighters before so I should be okay.

I just really don't want to go to work today.

Groceries to pay themselves.

I got out of bed and got ready for work.

I had to put quite a bit of makeup under my eyes to cover up my bags.

Once I arrived at work Jax came in shortly after me.

We exchanged hellos but that was it he just went into his office.

I was so bored sitting at my desk I could feel myself falling asleep.

Even if I could fall asleep here there'd be no point. I'd just have another nightmare.

The elevator dinged. I straightened myself up and tried to shake away the drowsiness.

Jessica stepped out of the elevator.

She had a lit cigarette in her hand and a handbag in the other.

"Put that out honey. Just because you're getting cancer doesn't mean the rest of us have to." I told her.

Jessica rolled her eyes at me.

Princess let out a cough right next to me.

"See." I spoke.

"Whatever. I'm not putting it out." She responded.

I got up from my chair and walked over her. I was much taller than her and it made me feel kind of powerful.

"Listen honey, you're no different than anyone else coming in and out of here. No dangerous items go near Mr. Baden. Including that rolled up piece of trash you have in your hand." I fake smiled.

"It's my last one." She stared me dead in the eyes. "I'm not putting it out."

"Put it out."

"No. I am Mr. Baden's wife. I can go in or out however I please." She smirked.

"Honey he didn't marry you."

"Not yet but I'm expecting a ring on my finger real soon." Her smirked stayed on her face.

I snickered.

"I'm not putting it out." He repeated.

I was about to snatch it out of her hands until an idea popped into my head.

The plan Jax and I had. He wanted my to flirt while she's in the room. He's got it.

"Hmm. Alright. If you're going to be near Mr. Baden I have to be in the room close to him." I smirked.

"There's no point. He'll just tell you to come back out here."

"Then there's no harm in me going in now is there?"

Her smirk fell. She brushed passed me and hit my shoulder trying to knock me off balance but it didn't work.

I walked right behind her as she entered Jax's office.

Jax saw us and looked confused. "What's the problem ladies?"

"No problem sir." I walked up behind his desk right by his side. "Jessica is carrying a cigarette and it could be dangerous for you. So I must stay in the room until she puts it out."

Jessica scoffed as she went over to the bar and pored two drinks and left her bag on the counter.

She walked over to Jax's desk and handed him one of the drinks.

"Why don't you tell her to leave babe so we can talk." She took a sip of her drink.

"I'd be happy to leave as soon as you put that out."

"Why don't you answer to your boss, bitch."

Oh so she wants to fight.

"I am to remain here close to my boss as long as there a dangerous item in the room." I placed my hand on Jax's shoulder.

Jessica stared at my hand. I moved my hand closer to his back towards his other shoulder.

I'm guessing Jax understood what I was doing, he shifted in his chair slightly closer to me and handed me his drink.

"Jessica I suggest you treat her with respect. She is doing the job I pay her for. I wont ask her to leave until you put it out. It's time you quit anyway."

She looked shocked and angry by the way Jax talked to her.

She chugged the rest of her drink and slammed her glass on the desk.

She leaned down on the desk and got her face closer to Jax.

"I will not be talked to this way." She glared at him.

Jax got up from his chair and leaned closer to her just like she did.

I got a feeling she was going to do something to him, so I went around the desk, set the glass down and stood closer to Jessica.

"Then I suggest you get out." Jax told her.

I saw Jessica's face turn red with anger. She slapped him across the face.

I was now in full defense mode. I grabbed her wrist and pinned it behind her back and slammed her face onto the desk. I was holding her head down onto the desk so she couldn't move.

She dropped her cigarette on the ground and I stepped on it putting it out.

"Stupid bitch! Let me go!" She screamed

I didn't say anything I just kept holding her down.

"Let her go Jade." Jax commanded.

I hesitated for a minute but I let her go and took a couple steps back away from her.

She didn't get up immediately though. She grabbed her glass from the desk and hit me over the head.

I was knocked off balance, I felt dizzy and I could feel a long line of blood running down my face.

I tried to regain my balance. When my vison cleared I saw Jax holding Jessica back.

He was holding her from behind but she was trying so hard to get free.

I shook off the rest of the dizziness and glared at Jessica. I walked over to Jessica.

"You've got some nerve Jessi." I punched her right on the nose.

"Hey!" Jax yelled and pulled Jessica away from me. "Don't retaliate Jade!"

Jessica got free from Jax's hold. She turned to me glaring and seething with anger.

Her nose was pouring blood. It was broken.

She walked closer to me. "Don't ever call me that again."

"We'll see about that Jessi." I dared her.

Jax got in between us before something else happened.

"Jessica leave. Now." Jax glared at Jessica.

She looked at him with anger then looked at me.

She didn't say anything just stormed out.

Jax turned to me.

I felt awful. "I'm sorry Jax I didn't mean-"

He cut me off by grabbing my face and pulling me in for a kiss.

Before I could react he pulled away.

"Let's get you to a hospital." He said.


I'm trying to get into the habit of updating weekly

Word count: 1148

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