15. The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth

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Life is a road
And I want to keep going
Love is a river

I wanna keep flowing
Life is a road
Now and forever
Wonderful journey

I'll be there when the world stops turning
I'll be there when the storm is through
In the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you

- 'At the Beginning' by Richard Marx and Donna Lewis from the movie Anastasia

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That Monday, Harry was bored to death all day long. With Hermione at school teaching, and no Teddy, he didn't really know what to do during the day. He read a few books, watched TV, and just lounged around, trying to keep his mind off of his problems. All he had for company was Kreacher, and even though the house elf was nicer and loyal to Harry, he wasn't the same as having someone like Hermione to talk to. The one thing he wished he hadn't read was the update in the Daily Prophet about the story that appeared the day before. The article (again written by Rita Skeeter), basically was telling the public that Harry had been sacked, and Teddy had been taken away from him permanently. Which was true, just not the permanent talk. He ended up throwing the paper away without reading much else in it.

Along with the paper that morning, an enormous pile of mail had been delivered to him, most of it hate mail. Kreacher helped Harry sort through it, sorting the hate mail from the support mail. Because for every stack of hate mail there was, a stack of support mail almost as big was next to it. His hate mail varied, some were full of guilt and implied shame, others were worse. Harry didn't read a lot of them, but one did catch his eye that he really thought he needed to read, and that was a letter from Mrs. Weasley. Harry was worried about what would be written on the page inside the envelope; Ron had told him that most likely all of the Weasleys besides himself and George believed that Ginny was telling the truth. So honestly, he was dreading opening the letter. When he finally got up the courage to read it, he found that it wasn't full of disappointment or malice. Actually, her letter belonged in his support pile. It read,

Dear Harry,

I read the article in the Prophet about what has been going on between you and my daughter at school. And I have to say, I believe that you had nothing to do with this. I never thought Ginny was capable of telling such horrible lies just to get back at someone for something petty as a relationship. This is her way of throwing a fit just because she didn't get her way, and I'm sorry to say that Arthur and I are part of the reason she's like this. She's our only daughter. For years, we wanted a girl, don't get me wrong, I love all my boys, but we wanted a girl too. And since Ginny was our only daughter, I'm afraid she got a little spoiled. And so she's always used to getting things her way. We never meant for her to grow up like that, but when you've hoped and prayed so much for a daughter after having six boys, we did it without thinking.

Believe me, Harry; I'll be talking to her about all this. And I won't be gentle about it either. I know right now it seems like things are very bleak, and that there's no light at the end of the tunnel, but I know everything will turn out alright. This mess will get all sorted out, I'm sure of it. It has to. And I'll try to do everything I can to help, I promise.


I promise. That sentence was one that Harry had heard the most in the last two days. I promise. He just hoped that all the people that were promising him things would pull through. He was glad to have Mrs. Weasley on his side, and he supposed that Mr. Weasley too was on his side.

He decided to stop reading his letters; he was getting tired of being reminded of the situation he was in. For the rest of the day, he lazed around the house, watching TV, reading, and towards the end of the afternoon, since he really did nothing of consequence all day, he got tired and ended up taking a nap. He was brought out his nap by someone shaking his shoulder.

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