24. Epilogue

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Life is a road
And I want to keep going
Love is a river

I wanna keep flowing
Life is a road
Now and forever
Wonderful journey

I'll be there when the world stops turning
I'll be there when the storm is through
In the end I wanna be standing
At the beginning with you

- 'At the Beginning' by Richard Marx and Donna Lewis from the movie Anastasia

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*Ten Years Later*

"I've got to go, I have to go on rounds," A fifteen year old Remus said, standing up from the table he was sitting at with his three friends, James, Sirius, and Peter.

"With Lily?" James asked. Remus rolled his eyes.

"Yes, with Lily, she is the other Gryffindor prefect, James." James sighed and muttered something that none of them could hear. He slid down in his chair and crossed his arms in a clear pout.

"I think what Prongs means to say since he can't use his words that others can hear, is 'lucky you, Moony'," Sirius said with a grin and James glared at him. Again, Remus rolled his eyes.

"Yes, because going on rounds is the perfect opportunity for me to work my magic and try to get Lily to go for me instead of you, that's what I look forward to every night when I get to wander the halls with her," Remus said sarcastically, making Sirius and Peter snigger and James turn his glare to Remus instead of Sirius. Remus went on, "Seriously, James, if you didn't act like such an idiot sometimes she might actually go out with you when you ask."

"I do not act like an idiot."

"Yes, you do. Like today, hexing someone like that just for kicks and giggles, not only that, but a friend of hers—"

"Snivellus? I'm supposed to feel bad hexing Snivellus?" James said incredulously.

"And why is Lily friends with him, anyway?" Peter asked, "I mean...most of Snape's friends are going to be...Death Eaters, Lily would be one of the last people they'd want on their side."

"I don't know, but I have a feeling they aren't going to be friends much longer," Sirius said. "Did you hear what he called her today? Lily's not going to take that lightly."

"I don't know," Remus said, "But I have to get going. I'll see you lot after rounds." Remus left his three friends and met Lily as she was coming down the stairs to the girls' dormitory and the two of them took off for rounds. The memory kept going, but eleven year old Teddy couldn't watch all of it, for he heard his name being called outside of the pensieve. He pulled himself out of it and when he set foot on his bedroom floor, he about knocked over the little girl that was standing right next to him. She stumbled and Teddy reached out quickly to help her keep her balance. The girl had black hair and green eyes and was just two years younger than Teddy. His little sister, Addison.

"What do you want, Addi?" Teddy asked with a sigh.

"Mum says it's almost time to go, you need to finish loading your trunk into the car."

"Alright, tell Mum I'm on my way." Addison headed for the door and right before she left, Teddy called her back. He said, "Oh and Addison don't stand too close to the pensieve next time." Addison's eyes narrowed into a glare and she stuck her tongue out at Teddy, who stuck his out back at her. She grinned and left the room. Teddy turned and emptied the contents from Remus's memory back into the vial it belonged in. He then put the pensieve his parents gave him for his eleventh birthday back into the trunk and in the basin he placed the box of memories that went with it that his real father had left for him before he died. It was one of his best presents he'd ever gotten from his parents; he knew they hoped that he could be able to become closer to his real mother and father. However, Remus's memories only had a few ones dealing with his wife, Nymphadora and their time together prior to their death. When Teddy asked his dad why this was, Harry had said he supposed it was because no matter what others told him, Remus never was entirely proud of the fact that he was married and had a child. Because of this, Teddy had grown to hate his biological father. But he still watched his father's memories, back when he was younger and more carefree. Because as Harry had told him, war changes a person, good or bad, it changes them. He closed the lid of the trunk and did a last minute check of his room to make sure he packed everything. Today he was going to start his first year at Hogwarts, and the closer it got to time for him to go, the more nervous he got. This had a lot to do with another reason why he disliked his biological father. Teddy was a werewolf, just as his father was, and even though werewolves were received in polite society after the war better than they were prior to the war, but still, it was something that he wished he didn't have to deal with. Even though the Wolfsbane potion helped keep him from becoming a full out werewolf, it was still painful. There were a lot of hoops that had to be jumped through to make sure Teddy was able to go to Hogwarts because of his being a werewolf.

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