Chapter 9

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Lisa's POV

I woke up earlier than before. It's like, I just took a nap. I was flying around the room while looking at her. I stopped and stare at her from above almost touching the ceiling.

"Do I like her?" I whispered to myself.

I was surprised on what I said causing me to  hit my head on the ceiling.

"Shit!" I almost fall on top of Jen.

After a few hours, Jen woke up.  She dressed up then left. She came back home then went straight to her room after eating dinner, took a shower then sleep.

We're still not talking to each other. I know that her problem isn't what happened between the both of us.

I was under the bed when I heard a sob. I immediately went out.

She's covered with her blanket and curled up.  I sat at the edge of the bed and tapped her shoulder.

"Jen?" She tighten her hold on the blanket.

I tried to remove the blanket that was covering her but she keeps on pulling it back.

I successfully removed the blanket from her. I saw her face full of tears, her eyes were puffy with a red nose. She suddenly pulled me into a tight hug then cried harder.

I caressed her back, she placed her head on the crook of my neck. She cried even louder.

She pulled out from the hug and wiped her tears.

"What happened?"

"I don't know if I should tell you this. It's just a small thing, but why am I crying?" A tear fell on her eye. I  wiped the tear on her cheeks. "Tomorrow night is our prom. Remember the guy who dropped me home? He was supposed to be my date but I found out that he just played with me"

I got mad on what I heard. I want to puch that guy. "You're crying because he played with you?"

"No, I don't even like him. I'm just crying because the prom is tomorrow night. I will probably see him there and he'll see me alone."

So she doesn't like that guy? What a relief then. "Stop crying now. He's stupid"

She suddenly looked at me then laughed. She's not crying anymore. She even asked me to sleep with her.

We were facing each other while lying on the bed. She closed her eyes then smiled. "Goodnight Lisa."

"Goodnight Jen." I moved closer to her and hug her very tight.

I'm wrong, I dont like her because....... I love her.

Prom Day

It's 4 PM when I looked at the wall clock from under the bed.

I can't go out because someone came to prepare Jen for the prom.

It's 6 PM when I looked at the wall clock again. The door opened and the person together with Jen left the room. I only saw the light pink gown that Jen was wearing.

I went out from the bed and peek on the window. I saw her entered a car that would probably drive her to school. She's beautiful, no! She's even more beautiful.

You can see through her eyes that she isn't happy. She's not even smiling when she entered the car.

I suddenly felt sad. I want go with her, I want to be her date on the said prom.

I looked at the room's door. I opened it but this is the farthest I can go. I remembered that there's like an invisible rope or a magnet which is the one who's preventing me to go further from this bed.

I still tried to go further but it didn't work. I punched the bed multiple times because of the anger that I'm feeling right now.

Tears suddenly started to flow on my cheeks. I wonder how was Jen, she will feel alone there.

"Why am I imprisoned here? What did I even do? She needs me now!" I yelled while punching the bed. I know that there's no one here in the house.

"Damn it!" I saw a tear fell on Jen's bed.

I wish I was there with you...


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