Operation Torch and Burn Pt 2

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So quick note, of course when I start a story on r6 get ready to set up a character Ubisoft makes a character with the same name. I do like where I was going, and I think I'm going to continue with it and just not include the new character, but I would like your opinion on it and I'll see where I go from there, now on to the chapter.

Operation Torch and Burn Pt.2


157 miles southwest of the Arctic Circle, Alaska

We were currently in two Blackhawks heading towards the White Mask compound, the LZ about a mile south of the compound to not draw too much attention. The team was split in two, one team consisted of Thermite, Montagne, Valkyrie, and myself, led by the AFO operator Voodoo, we were the main assault force moving to try to take the compound as silently and quickly as possible. Team two was there for when stealth was broken, the were led by operator Preacher and consisted of IQ, Frost, Thatcher, and Doc.

Time Skip

Once we left the Blackhawks we proceeded to the compound as planned but when we arrived we found some things to be unsettling. The guard towers and substations were either empty or the White Mask inside were already dead, the kills were quick, clean, and the White Mask seemed like they never knew they were in danger, and throughout our advance I could tell by the looks of everyone else that we all had the same feeling, whoever took these guys out was still here, and they were watching us.

We were on our way to the main guard station on the south side of the compound and it showed much more activity indicating that it had not been hit yet and there would be company inside.

We split up to breach from two sides of the compound Voodoo, Valkyrie and I on one side, Montagne and Thermite on the other. As we were approaching the entrance we got a call on the radio from Thermite that we were compromised and that they needed help and we quickly doubled back to go help them and when we got to them they were tied up and gagged.

"Preacher, Voodoo we got a situation here." Voodoo said over the radio. But, before he could say more four White Mask came out of hiding and surrounded us.

"Weapons down, hands on your head, no sudden movements." A White Mask ordered. As we scanned these guys they all looked to be trigger happy gunman, so it wasn't a good idea to try something while they were already aimed and ready, so we did as we were told.

"Voodoo, Preacher we'll be there in 6 mikes over." Was heard over the radio. The White Mask were all talking to each other wondering what they were going to do with us.

"We should just kill them."

"You know we can't do that orders are to call in to the main building and escort prisoners for interrogation."

"Man, coms have been spotty at best for the past hour we can't reach any of the substations or the posts we can just kill them, and no one will be the wiser."

"Well before we kill them I think I want to have some fun with this one." One of the White Mask walked over to Valkyrie and began to grope her while she struggled in protest. I made a move to get up to help my friend but was dropped back down at gun point.

"Don't worry you'll get your turn soon enough." A White Mask said, he then grabbed my head and held it looking at Valkyrie "But you're going to have to watch your friend have some fun first."

I looked hopelessly as the White Mask continued to try and grope Valkyrie as she struggled, none of us able to do anything to help her as we watched. But, about thirty seconds later suddenly a bullet imbedded itself in the terrorist's head. The other three franticly looked around trying to figure out where the shot came from, but then another shot came taking a White Mask's arm clean off and he fell to the ground in pain staining the white snow red. Then, another shot finished him off, then another one, then another, and suddenly all four of our captors were dead.

Voodoo broke his bonds free using the tomahawk he keeps on his back hip and quickly released the rest of us. We reclaimed our gear and I ran to check on Valkyrie.

"Hey you alright," I asked.

"Yeah, I'm just glad it's over, I've never been through anything like that before".

Suddenly the second team rounded the corner of the building.

"Voodoo blue." Preacher said. They shook hands while Doc went to check everyone for injuries and Valkyrie for any mental scarring that might affect her during the mission.

"Thanks for the assist brother we were in quite the spot there," Voodoo said and that's when things became tense.

"Uhm brother that wasn't us we just got on site." Preacher responded. Suddenly everyone formed up in a circle weapons ready.

"HQ this is Mako-1 we have an unknown contact in the area cannot make visual conformation, requesting ISR predator for recon over." Voodoo reported.

"Copy that Mako-1 predator will be over head in fifteen mikes proceed with primary objective over."

"Copy that HQ, Mako-1 out."

Preacher then got on his radio then.

"Dusty, Preacher you got Six with you."

"Copy that Preacher." A new voice responded.

"Be advised asset might be in the area ISR predator is heading on station recommend you get eyes on over, we are proceeding with primary objective."

"Copy that Preacher stay frosty, Dusty out."

We continued to the main compound and proceeded to clear it with little problems, well minus Thatcher getting a bullet to the foot and yelling "Fooking laser sights" while Doc was treating him.

Voodoo had the predator stay overhead so we could exfil out and they could watch the area for our mysterious gunman. IQ, Thermite, Valkyrie, and I approached Voodoo.

"Any idea who our gunman might be." I asked

He took a deep sigh. "It might be the asset we were looking for, I guess I might as well fill you guys in, the man we are looking for is an AFO operator once thought dead, his name was Nomad,"

"So, he's a traitor," Thermite interrupted.

"No," Voodoo continued, "He was captured one day along with his squad leader and was later declared KIA although we had no body to go with him. He was a part of AFO Sparta if any of you know about it and was a Navy Seal. Only one member was recorded to survive, and she currently works with a different CTU, but no one truly believed them dead especially due to their motto, "Spartans never die they're just missing in action." (If you get the reference I love you)

Preacher walked up to us and began speaking to Voodoo saying he wanted to try something and then took a radio and moved to the center of a field nearby with an old tree stump.

"Nomad!" He called. "I know you're out there and I know you're alive!" He pulled out a couple pairs of dog tags, "I'm sorry brother but I have to add to the collection these belong to Mother and Rabbit!" he held up two of the three pairs there and then held up the last one, "This one you left at my home, I'm sorry brother Lena didn't want to tell me but Bella kind of sold you out talking about how she got to see her favorite Uncle!" He placed the dog tags and radio down, "For when you're ready to talk, its already on the right frequency, hope to speak to you soon brother."

When he came back to us Voodoo wasn't happy.

"You knew he was alive for how long?"

"For a couple of weeks, and before you ask why I didn't tell you he made Lena promise that she wouldn't tell us, and I only found out by accident, but I wasn't going to betray his trust, but that is why I suggested this investigation."

"How do we know when he will contact us?" Montagne asked

Preacher turned to him. "We don't know but he will when he's ready."

And with that we all just waited for exfil wondering when we would hear from the mysterious man.

A/N: Hello everyone sorry for the long wait but I hope it was worth it, it being a little longer that most of my story chapters in any of my stories, for those of you who celebrate it Happy Thanksgiving I hope you had a good one, and I just want to say I am thankful to all of you who continue to read and support my stories it really does mean a lot to me. As always leave a comment let me know what you think. I think I know where I'm going with this.

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