Direct Intervention Pt.1

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Ok so with the introduction of Wind Bastion to Siege I have officially decided that I will not introduce the new operators into the story unless something comes up and I find a really good opportunity or just change my mind. Also 218 reads you guys are amazing and I can't thank everyone enough for reading this story and I hope to continue to push out good chapters that you will enjoy, and with that out of the way let's move on to the chapter.

Direct Intervention Pt.1

A.F.O Operator Preacher

Temporary Forward Operating Base, Alaska

15 Hours after first contact with asset.

I couldn't help but slam my fist in frustration at the table I was standing at, a tablet relaying the drone feed almost becoming a casualty of my rage. Brass had wanted to be completely sure that the White Mask threat was completely eradicated and wanted a small squad of no more than four move in to be sure, thinking that this was an easy op I sent a squad entirely made up of the Rainbow team to check and with luck only I can have a massive snow storm that seemed more like a blizzard occurred at their AO and only seemed to be getting bigger, we lost coms with them and command won't authorize re-tasking the drone looking for Nomad.

"Preacher, Dusty," came Dusty's voice from the radio.

"Go Dusty,"

"Six wants to know which operators that you sent in and if you have any updates on them or our old friend."

I sighed internally thinking of the operators I sent into who knows how much danger, "I sent Frost, IQ, and Doc, status unknown, and as for Nomad negative contact so far."

"Roger your last, hang in there Preacher, Dusty out."

As Dusty finished talking the rest of the Rainbow team and Voodoo walked into the room.

"Tom anything from the feed?" Voodoo asked.


The operator Ash spoke up next, "What else can you tell us about this Nomad guy, because I've been talking to my contacts back at the FBI and some military ones and no one can pull anything up about him, it's like he's a ghost and doesn't exist."

I sighed when she mentioned trying to find info about Nomad because I knew the reason they couldn't find any info and that's because after he went missing the US government buried his identity and the only person who could sign off on a file with all his info was the President of the United States. Unsure whether I should really tell them SOME info I turned to Voodoo who answered with a nod, already knowing my question.

"Ok before I begin telling you what you can know, how many of you have heard of AFO Sparta?"

Valkyrie raised her hand, "I've heard a few stories about them while still in the SEALS but the stories I heard are mixed, some with admiration, some with spite, but most with fear."

I nodded my head, "People are right to say it in fear and admiration but not spite, they don't deserve spite."

"So, AFO Sparta was created to be the militaries most advanced black ops team ever, everything from their weapons to their gear was experimental. They worked side and side with the other AFO units, but they often had their own assignments, they were comprised of the best picks from the SEALS and the best snipers Delta Force had to offer. They were the best of the best but on their last op something went wrong, we were betrayed and had a mole, we sent Sparta to their deaths and only one member made it out alive barely, well until we learned Nomad was alive that is."

Just then a transmission came through on the radio, "Preacher Voodoo, Dusty."

Voodoo was the one who answered it this time, "Go Dusty."

"Boys we have an unknown transmission coming in trying to ping directly into your coms."

"Patch em through Dusty."

"Roger connected in 3...2...1...connected"

"Unidentified contact this is the US Military identify yourself."

"Voodoo?" The new voice challenged and using a voice modifier, by this time all the Rainbow Operators or at least the ones still here I bitterly remembered were crowding around to see who was contacting us.

"I repeat identify yourself." Voodoo challenged again.

"Neptune One-Three this is Spartan One-Two." The voice answered.


"Good to talk to you brother."

"Likewise, but what's with the voice modifier?"

"There are people there that I don't know and don't trust. Anyways check the drone feed."

We all turned to the tablet that I had almost crushed earlier, the display now showing a man staring right up at the drone.

"I hear you are missing some people I might be in a position to assist besides I owe Dusty and Deuce still."

"Ok we are missing three Operators a French man wearing standard GIGN gear he's a medic, a German woman blonde wearing sports pants and a ballistic helmet, and finally a Canadian Asian wearing winter hunter gear."

"Copy that, who are these guys anyways?"

"New Counter Terrorism Unit call sign Rainbow Six, made none other by our old pal Six."

"Roger that I'll let you know when I find them."

We were watching the feed when the man suddenly disappeared from the feed.

"Oh, and Voodoo, Preacher I'm sorry about Mother and Rabbit."

"It's all good brother, have a good one." The man chuckled.



'So, a new unit made by Six huh, well first I get her people out, then maybe just maybe I can go home."

A/N: Ok everyone I know this is real late, but I swear it wasn't just me being lazy this time but, anyhow thank you all for reading and so you know one of my New Year's resolutions is to get more consistent chapters out to you guys. To those who celebrated I hope you had a Merry Christmas and to those who didn't a Happy Holidays and Happy New Years to all I can't tell you how much I appreciate all of you who read my bad stories and I hope you will continue to do so. For the record this story is a Male Reader story it just hasn't quite shown yet like my other story The Shade and I think I've come up with a pairing since no one voted for any and I'll let you guess for now, but it will become apparent in about hmmmm two chapters. Last announcement to those of you who read it I will now be continuing to write chapters for The Shade so look out for that. Thank you all again Happy New Years!

(P.S if any knows if you can had a horizontal line on Wattpad can you let me know)

Just a NomadHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin