Direct Intervention Pt.2

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Thank you all for stopping by to read and I hope you enjoy. See A/n at the end.

Direct Intervention Pt.2

Rainbow Team last know coordinates, Alaska


Well it seemed that this was going to be my end, that my life would cease right here in this damned snow storm alone. While searching for the remaining White Mask I had fallen in a small ditch and rolled my ankle bad, so Doc and Frost let me rest, leaving a good portion of their gear we set up here as a temporary camp using a flare to mark it, which backfired quickly.

The White Mask we had been hunting saw this and came investigating catching me off guard, the hunter became the hunted. I tried fighting back but soon received one in the side and one in the leg.

"What should we do with her?"

The White Mask were discussing what was to be done with me and after hearing what almost happened to Valkyrie I got scared, I would rather them finish me off.

"She's too hurt to take back as a prisoner, so I suggest we use her as bait wait for her friends to appear because that not only her gear here."

"What no fun?"

"No, you sick animal you can't do that to a wounded person."

Well at least they weren't planning on doing anything rash to me but being wounded and used as bait wasn't much better. And with this snow storm these White Mask blend in so Doc and Frost will walk blindly into their trap.

Then, another figure started to appear out of the snow also dressed in white, but as he got closer I noticed that it wasn't a White Mask at least his outfit didn't look like the standard gear of them.

As they stalked over I noticed blades at the end of their sleeves and they stabbed them into the first White Mask and begun silently taking them down until finally they came to the last one right in front of me and did what they did to the rest. As he helped the body lay down to rest put his hand on the White Masks chest and bowed his said in a sort of prayer style.

"Requiescat in pace" they said, then they turned their attention to me.

They, who appeared to be a he came closer and on instinct I became to move as much as I could backwards not knowing whether he was a threat to me or not.

He held up his hand and spoke his voice affected by some kind of modifier, "I mean you no harm I've been sent to help you." He insisted but, as he looked me over his eyes stuck to the German flag on my sleeve.

"Ummm... Ich bin zu hefen...bitte entschuldigen Sie... mein Deutsch isn't ein wenig rostig." He butchered out but sending his message that he was friendly.

"It's okay I speak English" I said hoping he understood through my wheezing of pain and German accent.

Visibly his shoulders slumped forward in relief.

"Are you operator IQ?" he asked as he started checking my wounds.

I nodded my head to him.

"I was sent by Six to come and find you." He cursed as he looked at the wound on my side.

"Ok I need to lift up your shirt a bit to tend to this, it needs to be wrapped until I can treat it better".

He looked my way for approval and I gave a tiny nod but before he could get to work the sound of a hammer was heard. I looked up to see Doc and Frost trained on... come to think of it I don't know who this is.

"Step away from her White Mask you won't be doing any more damage today." Frost ordered

"I'm not a White Mask, and I wasn't doing anything to harm her."

"We saw you just lifting up her shirt."

"To help treat her wound. You are operators Doc and Frost I assume then."

"How do you know that?"

"Six sent me."

"How do we know that for sure."

"Help me get her out of here, I know a safe spot where we can tend to her wounds and you can ask Voodoo and Preacher."

"Alright but I'm keeping my eye on you."

"Wouldn't expect anything else."

After they put their guns down the man quickly wrapped my side and picked me up in a fireman style carry which surprised me and I yelped.

He chuckled but proceeded to walk away signaling for the others to follow, perhaps this hell of a day might finally be over.


Hereford Base


Six called me to her office which was never a good sign, normally if we had an assignment we were told to meet in the brief room, her office meant trouble.

I knocked on her door and was beckoned in.

"Specialist De Luca please have a seat."

I did as she asked and sat down in front of her large oak desk and quietly waited for her to continue.

"What do you know about the Global Response Unit?" (A/n: I did no research on this idk if this is a company so roll with it.)

"Not much security contractors, they have HQ's all over the world and they hire only military veterans from any country, like Rainbow but less trained and for hire."

She slid forward a file, which I started to skim through as she continued.

"The CEO and leader of the GRU has been on Rainbow's scope for a while but she's turned us down time and time again. But, this time I think we have something she can't refuse."

I looked at the name Alessandra L/n, young...very young to be running a contracting company like this.

"You want me to go get her then?"

Six nodded and proceeded to stand up and hand me an envelope assumedly with her offer in it.

"And if she denies us again?"

"Just tell her if she comes to Rainbow she'll have her brother again."

I nodded and left the room wondering to myself who's sister this was, to my knowledge there was no one with the name L/n in Rainbow but I had a job and I was going to do it, so I packed and prepared to go home, turns out the HQ the boss was currently at was in Italy.

I still can't get over the tone of voice Six used though like there was more to that statement than meets the eye.

"She'll have her brother back."

A/n: Thank you all for reading it does mean a lot. I know this is late and I'm sorry, but college is kicking my ass rn I'm even putting this chapter out during Chem just to have something. In this one chapter I've thrown you some more Nomad and introduce slightly a female OC that I want to add. This chapter may be bad, but I want to get better so please leave a comment, so I know what you guys think so I can improve even if its "you suck" so I know I need to step it up. Thanks again for everyone who reads and supports this story I love you all and hopefully will get another chapter out soon. See you guys later.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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