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Logan sits at a computer, glasses set on her nose as she reads the screen and makes her own notes in a book at the side. Bruce hovers, sat at his own computer, but still managing to hover over her, eyes on her.

"Bruce" she warns turning to him. Bruce looks away from her, caught out. He sighs and pushes his chair towards her table, she sighs and looks to him. "What?" she asks him, he glances to Tony who is trying not to watch them from where he works, Bruce turns back to Logan.

"You died..." he starts.

"Yes" she tells him. "May 2nd.....2008" she answers quietly. "I was....attacked by a dog" she tells him.

"Dog?" he asks her, she nods.

"Yep, a great big, evil dog" she tells him turning back to the computer.

"You're lying" he whispers, she tenses slightly. "I mean....you're sort of telling the truth, but not completely" he tells her. "I know you, Logan" she snaps her head to him.

"No, you knew me....once, a long time ago. I'm different now"

"No, you're not" he argues. "You still have the same tells" he motions to her face. "You're eye twitches, but when you evade the truth, when you...sort of tell the truth your cheek twitches"

"I have a muscle twitch, so what, that doesn't mean anything"

"Logan" he begs. "Please...I can't concentrate on my work whilst thinking about this...."

"You won't believe me" she argues.

"Why not?"

"Because you are a scientist" she answers. "And what I tell you has no scientific explanation at all. I found it hard to come to terms with and I was there"

"Try me" he whispers, she sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose.

"I was mauled by a hellhound" she admits releasing her nose to look at him.

"A hellhound?" he asks.

"Yes, a demonic pit bull from Hell" she offers. "Told you..." she turns to her computer, Bruce moves back to his own, still processing the information, he opens a webpage on his computer and types in Hellhounds. About 3,040,000 results come up. He clicks on the Wikipedia page, it's not the best of references but it's a start. He scrolls down the page skimming over the words in front of him, mostly telling him that the hellhounds are bringers or harbingers of death. He reaches the fiction segment. Films, games, tv shows and...finally in literature; something there catches his eyes, a name: Hellhounds were featured in the Supernatural novels by Carver Edlund. They are used and controlled by demons to drag souls to hell (usually after a deal for the victim's soul has accrued). Only the person being attacked can see or hear the hellhound. In the series main character Logan, sold her soul for her brother's life, only to be killed a year later by hellhounds. Bruce frowns at the screen and then glances to Logan as she works. It can't be the same Logan. He cocks his head. Can it?

"Ever heard of the Supernatural books?" Bruce asks, Logan almost stumbles out of her chair as she makes a noise in the back of her throat, Bruce and Tony look at her.

"No" she answers. "Doesn't sound familiar, not at all. Is it hot in here? It's really hot in here" she comments looking away and fanning herself and looking everywhere but at him.

"She does know" Tony comments. "What are they?" Bruce glances to Logan who shakes her head. Bruce clicks on the link and opens up the page about the books.

"Series of books by Carver Edlund" Bruce answers, Logan buries her head in her hands making pained noises. "First one is...." Bruce reads as Logan starts rocking in her seat. "Along a lonely California highway, a mysterious Woman in White lures men to their deaths....a terrifying phenomenon that may be Logan, Sam and Dean's first clue to their father's whereabouts" Bruce frowns and looks to her. "Aren't your brothers called Sam and Dean?" he asks.

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