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Logan's ears are ringing as she shifts a little, she looks over to Bruce laying next to her, who is breathing heavy, having landed hard. He is gripping the grated floor to maintain control, but his eyes are green, his face intense.

"Bruce" she whispers reaching for him, her eyes still purple, her powers in effect. Bruce struggles to suppress the rage, but his face is growing, changing slowly. Logan wiggles her fingers at him. "Trust me" she tells him, he stares at her before taking her hand, she pulls at the anger and rage inside of him, that part of him that hides the other guy, and she turns it, she twists it to pure joy and happiness, the other guy settling inside of him, content and happy. Bruce stares at her a little. Not even he's been able to stop a change like that. Logan looks to the pipe over her legs and throws out her other hand, the pipe flies from her. She stands and groans clutches her shoulder, she must have landed on it as they fell, pulled something, bruised something. She ignores it and turns to Bruce, she holds down her hand to him. He takes it and she pulls him up to his feet, he keeps a hold of her hand.

"How'd you do that?" he asks her touching his chest. She shrugs a little watching their hands. "Logan" he steps closer to her watching her softly, warmly, some of the Bruce she knew filtering through. She steps away from him a little, she can't fall down that rabbit hole again, it broke her heart what happened between them.

"We should...get out of here" she offers but doesn't release his hand. "Come on" she walks away pulling him with her.

"Your powers" he starts as they head through the piping system. "Do you feel....all the time?" he asks. She nods a little.

"Yeah" she answers. "I mean I've learnt to block it out but....if I'm emotional or stressed or....someone is feeling something particularly strongly then..." she stops and looks to him sadly. "About what you said...did you really try to kill yourself?" she asks, Bruce stares at her a moment and then nods. "Bruce" she whispers stepping closer to him.

"I lost everything, Logan" he tells her. "My job, my reputation, my home, my friends...." he looks to her sadly. "You" he looks down. "The rest I could have dealt with....but thinking that you...that what I did...that it hurt you, that I hurt you, that I left you behind...." she wraps her arms around his neck and threads her fingers into his hair, he closes his eyes and wraps his own arms around her back.

"I'm glad he stopped you, I'm glad you failed" she whispers to him, he pulls back and frowns.

"What?" he asks her.

"There are plenty of people in this world that deserve to die, Bruce" she tells him. "But you aren't one of them" she whisper softly. "Now, come on" she takes his hand and pulls him along.


Captain America, pushing with all his strength the door to portside, sees SHIELD tech in full oxygen masks shoot fire extinguishers and cover from sparks -- largely unable to do anything. Engine 3 is totally dead. A large chunk of the port side in torn off.

"Stark, I'm here!"

"Good. See what we got" Tony flies in his Iron Man suit and gets close to the damaged engine. Tony observes within his viewscreen at the damaged engine and it's layouts. "I gotta get this super conducting cooling system back online before I can access the rotors and work on dislodging the debris" Iron Man begins pulling on the stuck rotors. Looks over at Steve. "I need you to get to that engine control panel and tell me which relays are in overload position" Iron Man flies into giant cooling conductors. Captain America jumps over to the other side of the broken railing. Captain America gets himself to the control panel and opens it up. "What's it look like in there?" Tony asks.

"It seems to run on some form of electricity" Steve answers, Tony tries really, really hard to not be himself at that comment.

"Well, you're not wrong" Tony offers.


Logan and Bruce make their way under the catwalks. He keeps a hold of her hand. Her eyes flicker ahead of them and then she is turning pushing Bruce into a tight hiding space between the pipes, she squeezes in in front of them, chest to chest, almost nose to nose, it's a tight squeeze. He opens his mouth to ask her what's going on, she shakes her head and presses a finger to his lips. They both wait, silent, against one another as three of Loki's men walk past.

"They fell just ahead" one of them states. "Orders are to release the beast by any means necessary" Bruce closes his eyes a little, Logan peers out and around at the three men walking away, backs to her, she clenches her jaw and looks to Bruce.

"Stay here" she tells him as she slips out of their hiding place.

"Where are you going?" he whispers back at her.

"Just stay here" she orders already walking away towards Loki's men. Bruce becomes increasingly worried. More so when there are gun shots and shouts, he clenches his jaw trying to push back the other guy until they are sure. He jumps a little as Logan grabs his hand and pulls him out of the hiding space, he looks over her and then back away from them, the three men lay unconscious or maybe even dead on the ground, he turns to Logan who doesn't have a scratch on her.

"Are you okay?" he asks, she nods.

"Yes, I'm fine" she assures him and walks away, Bruce sighs and follows her.

"Ok ay, I have some questions..." he starts. She nods.

"I thought you would..." she mumbles. "If we survive this then you can have the answers" he nods a little. 

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