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Logan sits on the floor by the bed as she listens to Robbie cry. She doesn't know how to make it better, she's never been very good at comforting him when it comes to death. And she's no better. With the death of Bobby. Her second father. She brushes her hands over her face removing her own tears as Robbie curls around his bear, hidden under the blankets. It's hard to talk to him about death when those in his life that die keep coming back, she did, Sam did.....how can she tell him that Bobby will never come back? How can she say that with certainty? She pushes herself to her feet and looks to where Robbie is bunkered down, she sniffles.

"I'll just be out there" she offers, he doesn't answer her just cries some more, she leaves the room, pulling the door over for him as she joins her brothers, Dean is drinking, shocker, and Sam sits at the dining table, he looks to Logan.

"How is he?" Sam asks. She shrugs and takes the seat next to him.

"I can't tell him that he won't come back" She whispers leaning against Sam's side. "Because we keep coming back" Sam wraps his arm around her kissing her head. "He's so confused" she buries her head in her hand and groans. Sam rubs her shoulder trying to comfort her, she takes a breath and pulls back from her hands. "How did you talk to him?" she asks. "When I died?"

"He wasn't very old, Low" he answers. "He was three....and honestly...Dean took care of him..."

"Right" she whispers. "Cause you were Ruby's bitch" she mumbles, Sam shoots her a look, she looks back at him. "No, I'm just stating the facts, I meant nothing by it" She assures him.

"I was trying to get you back" Sam argues quietly, she hugs his arm and presses her chin to his shoulder.

"Sam, I wasn't judging.....I never did" she reminds him, he closes his eyes. Knows it to be true. Even when Dean yelled at him for the whole demon lover, demon blood junk Logan was there making sure he was fed, made sure he drank water, made sure he slept, and never once argued with him about what he was doing, never once told him he was a monster. Just let him work it through. Told him that she'd be there at the end. He looks down at her and sighs, realising that maybe he hasn't been there for her the same way over the years.

"Low" he whispers, she elbows him and shakes her head, just knowing.

"No need, Bitch" she points out, he smirks.

"Jerk" he counters, she smiles and nods a little looking down. He brushes her hair over her shoulder. "Robbie's a strong kid, okay? Just like you, he'll be okay"

"I don't even know if I will be" she admits looking up at him. "This last year" she adds. "With Cas, and Bruce...and now Bobbie" she shrugs a little. "It's a lot" she whispers,

"Yeah, yeah, it is but come on, Logan, you're a Winchester...." he whispers to her warmly. "You'll bounce back, and so will Robbie.....he's got Winchester and Banner blood......you and Bruce, you've both been so much, and yet you are both still here....despite everything people keep throwing at you both. That boy is gonna be indestructible" she smiles a little and then stands.

"I'll go check on him" she offers and heads back into the back room. Dean lifts his head from the couch.

"She okay?" he asks, Sam shrugs and then shakes his head.

"No" Sam answers. "I don't think she is" He admits and looks down.


Dean sets a blanket over Logan who sleeps curled up on the couch, a half empty bottle of Jack on the floor in front of her. Her hand limp half way between the couch and the bottle. A glass abandoned on the table, along with her cell phone and a photo of her, Robbie and Bobby. He sighs softly and sits on the edge of the couch to brush her hair away from her face. Her skin red and tear stained. He knows she tried to keep her own tears to herself, to keep them from Robbie. But she would cry over Bobby's death. He never once looked at her like a screw up, not like John did, when she turned up at Bobby's with an 8 month old kid he instantly set them both up in his spare room and went out to find a crib for them to use. John just condemned her and her baby, took Robbie away from her. Bobby never once tried to talk her out of hunting and mothering. He was there for her when no one else was. Bobby was there for her when she was scared out of her mind because Robbie wouldn't stop crying, when he wouldn't eat, when he got sick. He was there for her through all of it. Just as he was for Sam and Dean. He was the father they deserved but didn't get. Dean strokes her hair watching her before standing again and grabbing the bottle from the floor, he walks away disappearing into the back room.


Sam lifts Logan's cell phone and snaps a quick photo of the scene before him, waking up and walking into the front of the cabin he was met with Logan sleeping on the couch, and Robbie curled up against her chest. He must have wandered in during the night himself looking for her and they both ended up curled together. Logan's arms tight around her son and his tight around her, his face pressed to her shoulder. It would be adorable if not for the situation. The grief. He sets the cell phone down and then moves to the kitchen area leaving them to sleep.


Bruce turns his cell phone over in his hand, he's had it for years, in fact for some reason the other guy always seems to make sure he has it even after he....goes big. He wakes up and his cell phone is the only thing he has on him. Turning it around he lets out a breath and scrolls through the contacts, to be honest it's mostly all his old ones, back when he was a scientist with contact and a reputation. But Logan's name is there too. What are the chances that she still has the same cell phone she did all those years? Slim. None existent. But he literally has no other way to get in touch with her. 7 months since the Battle of New York. And it feels like years since he laid eyes on her. Heard her voice.


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