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Green shoots through Bruce's body, expanding, clothes tearing until it is no longer Bruce stood before them, but the Hulk. And he just....punches the chitauri leviathan on the nose. The creature flips over 180 degrees. Iron Man, in mid-flight, extends his arm out and a rocket, ready to shoot. He fires -- the rocket hits a soft spot. Large pieces of the alien creature are blown completely away, causing real pain from the chitauri leviathan. Other pieces of meat catch fire and fall away, they sizzle as they hit the pavement. Captain America raises his shield over himself and Logan to block them. From above and on the buildings, the chitauri army watches in horror as a group of Earth's mightiest heroes find themselves united against a common threat. To fight foes no single hero could withstand. The Avengers Assemble!


Loki watches below, motionless.

"Send the rest" He commands.


From the portal, thousands more chitauri soldiers and even more leviathans fly out.


The Avengers look up. Way out of their element, Logan spins her blade in her hand.

"Guys" Natasha states.

"Call it, Cap" Iron Man pushes.

"Alright, listen up" Steve turns to them all. "Until we can close that portal up there, we're gonna use containment. Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or your turn it to ash"

"Wanna give me a lift?" Clint asks Tony.

"Right. Better clench up, Legolas" Iron Man lifts Hawkeye up to the building.

"Thor, you've gotta try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You've got the lightning. Light the bastards up" Thor flies up; Steve turns to Logan and Natasha. "You two and me, we stay here on the ground, keep the fighting here. And Hulk" Steve points to Hulk who lifts his eyes from Logan. "SMASH" The Hulk smiles the most magnificent smile and then leaps, soaring high up into the nearest building, he runs up the wall and hits several chitauri soldiers, snapping some in half, throwing others. He dives towards a building on the other side of the street throwing the dead chitaui towards others. The chitauri fire at him. The Hulk just backhands them, seizes them and with raw power, throws them down.


Natasha, using an energy rifle, is taken off her feet by a chitauri. Logan tiresomely takes it down by cutting it's throat from behind. She throws it aside and shares a look with Natasha, the redhead nods and lets Logan pull her to her feet. Natasha turns and grabs the energy rifle, turns to attack. Cap stands there, holding his SHIELD. She slumps back into Logan's side, tired, they both are.

"Cap, none of this is gonna mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal" Logan points out.

"Our biggest guns couldn't touch it" Steve complains, Logan glances up a little and then smirks.

"Well, maybe it's not about guns" she argues and looks back to him, she gestures to the tower behind them. "If I can get a look at the device he's using....I might be able to come up with a way to shut it down"

"You wanna get up there, you're gonna need a ride" Natasha tells her.

"I got a ride" Logan counters, Natasha leans up from her as she looks to Steve. "I could use a lift though" she comments backing away to give herself a running start. Steve lifts and angles his shield.

"Are you sure about this?" He asks her.

"Yeah. It's gonna be fun" Logan answers. "Or you know I'm totally about to die....again" she adds and then runs at Steve before he can argue with her, she launches herself at the shield, and as soon as her boots hit the metal Steve thrusts the shield and Logan up, she is booted up into the sky, she grabs onto a flying chariot and then chuckles a little. She can't believe she is doing this. She swings herself up onto the chariot and using her angel blade she cuts the turret shooter's linkage to it. She then jumps onto the rider and sticks her blade into his nervous system. She gets him to bank over a building. Iron Man arrives and shoots any other chitauri riders following her, he makes his way down to Steve and Natasha, who fights off more chitauri. Iron Man points his hand boosters at Steve's shield. The energy comes off and Cap uses it as a reflection beam and takes down nearby chitauri. From above them, Hawkeye sends down remaining arrows. He sends one across the street, taking down a chitauri following Iron Man. Finally, there is Thor and Hulk fight on top the back of a Chitauri leviathan, tearing apart and fighting soldiers. Hulk breaks off a massive piece of armor and slams it down into the spine of the creature. Summoning all his strength he, Thor raises his hammer, drawing lightening to it from all sides and then brings it down with one final, terrible blow. The chitauri leviathan crashes into a history museum. Dean. Thor and Hulk stand on the back of it. They stand still, admiring their work. Hulk then punches Thor with his enormous hand, Thor goes flying. Hulk smirks. 


Selvig wakes up from Loki's mind control. He looks around, confused where he is. He looks up at the sky, amazed.

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