Chapter 23

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I am screwed!

The thought of being homeless in a week's time has me breaking out in cold sweat. Maybe Purvi or one of the girls will let me stay at their place for a few days till I can figure something out.

"Ahem," Jeet clears his throat, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"I better get going," he says, shuffling from one foot to the other in discomfort. "Don't worry, we will come up with something," he pats my shoulder reassuringly.

I simply nod my head. I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. I was rather hoping for later.. much later. But now that the problem is staring me in the face, I better tackle it head on.

Once Jeet leaves, I take a good look at my apartment, touching the walls and my meagre furnishings. Leaving this place makes me sad and I resolve that I won't give up without a fight.

Today being Sunday, the society office is closed. I will approach them tomorrow and submit my request. Till then I will clean the house, so that I can show them I am a responsible tenant.

I change into my old black sweat shorts and grey spaghetti crop top and tie my hair up on the top of my head in a bun as the cleaning will be a sweaty, messy affair. The cleaning takes more time than usual as I have to mind my left foot, plus I had kept putting off the non-essential cleaning for a long time, a situation which has come back to bite me now.

"Oi, its past two. No wonder my stomach's been grumbling," I mutter to myself as I finally finish cleaning the house. I am on my way to the kitchen to make myself some two-minute noodles, when there is a sharp knock on the door.

Must be Savita aunty, bringing some homemade meal that she made. What perfect timing! In my excitement I open the door with a smile which immediately disappears when I see who's at the door.


"Yes! Me! Mind if I come in?" Jeet answers smoothly. He looks at me from head to toe and smiles.. "Wow! you look... so .. umm different! " he exclaims, his eyes shining bright, before quickly moving away from me.

I don't budge from my door, blocking his entry. "What are you doing here?" I ask gravely, not allowing his backhanded compliment to faze me.

He takes a step closer and drops his voice. "Please let me in and I will explain everything." He's holding a leather duffel bag. Is he planning to kill me and put my body parts in the bag?

My heart is thudding in my chest. Whether in excitement of seeing Jeet and that too in a t-shirt accentuating his broad chest and flat stomach and jeans that cling to his lean hips like second skin, or, in panic at the unexpected and uninvited arrival, is anybody's guess, but I am inclining towards the former.

I am rooted to the spot. This is the first time I have seen Jeet in casuals and he looks hot!!

Jeet brings his ears close to mine and my breath stills. He whispers conspiratorially, "Tarana, Mr. Chavan is looking at us, please let me in, so as not to arouse his suspicions."

My eyes scan the compound. Jeet is right. Mr. Chavan is watching us from his house, very attentively. I move aside to let Jeet in and quickly close the door.

"You still haven't answered my question." I try to sound strong. I hope he hasn't noticed my panting.

"When I was leaving this morning, your Mr. Chavan accosted me near my car. He said he doubted that I was your husband and now that I was leaving, he was certain I would never be seen again. He broadly implied we had a one-night stand and he basically accused you, in not so many words, of being a woman of loose morals."

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