Chapter 30

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"What happened?"

I ask Khushboo when she informs me that Nivedita received a call to tell her that Jeet has gone away on some urgent work and will not be returning to our department again.

Khushboo replies with an indifferent shrug, as she hurries of to her desk.

After our last encounter, I have had no more contact with Jeet. Rohit mentioned that he had tried calling, but his phone is switched off.

I highly doubt Jeet's absence affected the others, but to me it was like someone pulled the rug from under my feet. I know he said I won't be seeing him around, but I assumed he meant he won't be working in our department, but still be around the office somewhere. I was hoping I could get a chance to talk to him.

But now it seems as if Jeet has simply vanished into thin air.

So here I am, a week later, waiting with Rajiv to collect my marriage certificate from the registrar's office. I try to pry some information of Jeet's whereabouts from him, but he remains tight lipped, giving very vague answers which basically amounts to nothing.

We were called in very quickly. I give my name at the counter, and the attendant goes to the filing room to bring out the certificate.

"How dare you.. you cannot bring dishonor to our family like this.. " loud, angry yelling from the corridor, are heard. We all turn to see the ruckus outside. A group of men have barged in, and accosted a cowering young couple waiting in the reception area. Security guards and other officers scramble to separate them.

"Please let us go, we love each other. We want to be together; we will stay far from you, never show our face to you again.. we only want to live our lives.." the couple are crying and pleading, but the mob seem blinded by rage to listen to their reasoning.

Suddenly more men enter and pull out guns, knives, and other weapons to attack the couple. All hell breaks loose, as the guards scuffle with the men. The young couple scurry out for safety, with some of the goons and cops following them.

In the midst of the loud shouts and angry yelling we hear gunshots being fired. People start screaming and running to take cover and there is general mayhem with everyone scattering in all directions, trying to save themselves. The guard outside our officer's chambers hurries in and closes the door urging us to leave quickly from the backdoor as the place is going on lockdown.

Outside we can hear one of the men, probably the leader raging to the others "Kill them and anyone helping these two. I will NEVER allow this marriage."

A bone chilling flashback plays in my mind. "I will kill her .." the voice echoes in my head.

We all are hurriedly ushered out from the back door and I hold on tightly to Rajiv's hands as we run down the stairs amidst the fleeing crowd.

I somehow manage to make it down the stairs and everyone is quickly escorted out of the building from the rear service gate.

Outside the courthouse, barricades have been put up. Police vans, ambulances and police jeeps are blaring their sirens. A group of policemen in combat gear, are entering the building, shouting instructions. Some more shots are heard.

Policemen outside the courthouse, are herding bystanders and spectators away from the building.

"Let's get out of here," Rajiv urges, gently leading me away from the courthouse. My legs, still wobbly from the panic, won't move. Besides, I need that marriage certificate.

"But... but.. my certificate?" I turn to point towards the courthouse. "I have to submit it to the society." My tears are precariously tottering on the rim of my eye, ready to spill.

"Don't worry, we have another two weeks before your deadline ends," he continues veering me away from the mayhem. "You can get it later this week."

He gives a brief, tense smile, "this situation should get under control soon. The courthouse should be back in business tomorrow. We still have plenty of time." Rajiv reassures me, although he looks shaken as well.

I see his logic and agree to come back the next day. I take another look at the courthouse, sending a silent prayer for the safety of the young couple.

Turns out the goons belonged to a notorious gang from another state and were wanted by the cops. The daughter of the leader had eloped with her lover and they were hiding in Mumbai to start a new life, which her family would not accept.

The standoff continued for the entire day till all the gang members were either killed or had surrendered.

Thankfully there were no other casualties and I fervently prayed that the young couple were safe and could live their life peacefully.


"I am afraid I have some bad news." Rajiv's voice on the phone sounds gloomy. "The courthouse will be closed till they put up new security measures and repair the damages to the building caused during the crossfire."

"What? No. NO WAY!!"

It has been two days since we were at the courthouse. The weekend is coming up, and I have at most a week left to submit the certificate. With the launch looming over our heads, everyone is buried under a pile of work.

"How long will that be?" I ask in panic.

"Cannot say for sure. I heard at least a week but may take longer." He lets out a long breath.

"What do we do now?" I ask in a deflated voice. All the energy seems to be sucked out from me.

"I will keep you updated, and fingers crossed that we get the certificate before the end of the month."

I slump into my chair. I can't imagine leaving my house, now especially after all this. I will have to speak to Chavan and explain the situation. This is genuinely out of my control and I am sure they will understand.

"Hey sunshine, why the long face?" I did not notice Akshay has seated himself on my desk.

"Oh! hi there," I hide the disappointment in my voice, over compensating with excitement.

"All OK?" He asks, while raising a brow, giving me a curious glance.

"Yeah yeah.. just a little tensed with the launch. That's all," I laugh it off.

"Aren't we all?" he shakes his head, "By the way have you heard from Jeet?"

My heart aches when I hear his name.

"No, not lately. Why?" I try to sound casual, but I can hear the longing in my voice. I just hope Akshay did not notice.

Thankfully he didn't, as he replies, "Oh its nothing. I haven't seen him around for a while, I just wanted to thank him for helping me simplify my accounting procedures."

Is there anything that guy is not good at? I think to myself.

"I guess this weekend we will all be pretty busy, but after the launch we will all go to Pub-ji for drinks. What say?" he gives a little shimmy.

I smile at his shenanigans. Akshay has seamlessly blended himself in our clique. He always keeps us smiling with his crazy antics and funny sense of humor.

"WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE?" Nivedita is glaring at Khushboo, towering over the latter's desk. The poor girl is cowering in her seat. "I.. I...did exactly as you told me," she answers timidly.

I walk up to Rohit and the rest of the team who are watching from a distance.

"What happened?"

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