Chapter 1-"I can't do this"

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"I've said it a million times. I'm not trying to push you butttt, you need to find a man" lily sighed swinging her legs back and forth from the brick wall we were currently sitting on.

"I don't date." I said simply. This was an everyday thing with her.

"I know but maybe if you tried then you'd get over your.. Thing" she sighed looking down

"Are You pressuring her again?" A familiar voice said behind us

"OMG! Oli, kenna, your back!" Lily grinned jumping off of the wall and hugging them

"Hey guys" McKenna shot me a grin.

"How was summer with your new family?" I asked them

"Terrible. Mia, our step mom acts like shes three and she was all over dad. Then, Dannon was either brooding in his room or on the beach fucking girls. The only good thing was Max, he's so adorable." She ranted.

"But Dannon is so hot! I'd love to be his step-sister" lily squealed

And just like voldermort, I caught Dannon's eye as he walked through the parking lot of cars. He was tanner, buffer, hotter.

"Holy shit! You didn't tell me he got hotter!" Lily shrieked grabbing my arm making me jump off of the wall and away from her.

I was breathing heavy as I felt the eyes of my friends and students around me.

"Anna I'm so sorry. I forgot for a moment" she rushed out stepping back as far as she could.

I stared at my arm for a few moments more before I looked up. My eyes met Dannon's blue ones for a moment, him and his friends were next to us and silently watching me.

"I-it's fine lils. I'll see you in class." I mumbled picking my back up and walking as fast as I could into the building, making a beeline to the nurse's office.

"Ah. Anna-Kate I was waiting on you!" Nurse May grinned as I walked in.

"Lily touched me" I mumbled sitting on the bed.

"I see. Let's take your meds and see if you need a moment more before class. Okay?"she asked quietly

"Okay" I mumbled taking my meds from her and swollowing them all at once.

"How are You feeling?" She asked a few moments later

"Better" I mumbled. I hated being asked that.

"Okay you can go off to class but we have to call your mom."

"But I'm fine" I rolled my eyes

"I know. It's protocol." She shrugged

I ignored her and walked out going to my first class, English

"Your late." Mrs.knight narrowed her eyes. She was the most hated teacher at the school.

"Sorry I was with the nurse" I mumbles hurrying to sit next to kenna. On the aisle.

"You good now?" She asked in a whisper.

I just nodded and faced forward.


"So, Anna what'd you do this summer?" Oliver grinned sitting across from me

"Will came home and spent it with me and mom. We just lounged around the house and went to the pool a couple times." I shrugged as the others joined us.

"Aww I missed will?" He frowns

"He'll be back for the break" I laughed

"Good hes been missing his only guy friend." Kenna sighed

"Why dont You join the lacrosse team this year?" Lily asked eyeing him.

"You think I should? Dannon is captain." He sighed looking across the cafeteria

"That's a good thing. Y'all are family now. Its good to get to know each other." She shrugged

"Maybe" he said standing up.

"He still hasn't adjusted" McKenna mumbled picking at her salad.

"He will. He just needs more time. Its been you two and your dad your whole life." I said with a small smile.

"I know. Maybe he'll get over it. I mean we do graduate this year" she shrugs.

"Okay class settle down." Mrs. Willow smiled as the class piled in.

Oral Communications, I hated the class but loved the teacher.

"Today is your first day back. So I hate to be that teacher, but I am." She let out a small laugh. "We will be doing a project."

The class groaned and complained for a minute till Mrs. Willow held her hand up to stop them.

"Let me explain. You have five months to complete it. I will choose a partner for each of you. The catch? Its an out of school project. You will meet up with your partner some way, some how." She started

Now everyone was listening, intrigued.

"This is a project working on your social life. Its about facing your fears. At the end of class today you and your partner will each get one camera. With each camera you will record your partner facing their fears and they will record you facing yours. In the end you will both have two different projects, you have to write what you think of them in the beginning before knowing their fears and what you think after watching what they go through."

My heart was beating fast. There was none of my friends in this class.

"The day before Christmas break we will be presenting them. But not just with this class, we will share them with the whole senior class. Then next semester the other half of the senior grade will do the same project." Mrs. Willow finished

I hope I didn't get partnered with someone who's touchy, like those cheery gossip girls in the back.

"Now for the partners. Lila with matt, Sam with Mary, Chloe with Tom" she looked up from her paper and shot me a small smile before saying, "Anna-Kate with Dannon"

My stomach dropped as I looked at the back of the room and my eyes met his.
Then he sighed and stood from his seat. It took me a moment to realize he was coming to sit with me. I was on the inside seat, with my desk pressed against a bookshelf.

My breathing started speeding up, and my leg started bouncing.
'I can do this.' I said over and over again in my head.

But the moment He pulled the chair out to sit down I couldn't stand it anymore. I sprung from my seat, pushing him aside and ran out the door into the court yard.

I can't do this.

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