Part 13-"Present"

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It was now Friday and I still haven't spoken to Dannon no matter how many times he tried to get my attention. Today was the day we presented our projects to the whole senior class. I had to finish my part without him and I hope he finished his. 

The senior class was called to the theatre that morning. Everyone who was doing the assignment had to turn their disk into the teacher as they walked through the door. Oliver and Lily guided me to the front row. I still haven't seen Dannon today. 

"This semester we had half of the senior class do a project on fears. And now we are going to share them with you" The principal said after making a few announcements he walked off the stage.

"first We have Oliver and Thomas" He said sliding their disk one disk in.

After everyone's projects I finally heard our names being called, mine first.

My face appears on the big screen and you hear me sigh.

"I don't know Dannon that well even though we've been in school with each other since 1st grade. He is the popular kid of the school. I like to stay in the background with all of my friends, we are different from each other. To me I only know the rumors. They say he's a big party person and likes a lot of girls. What do I think about Dannon Miller? I think he is nothing like the rumors i have heard. And if he is then he is just trying to find his way in life and I can respect that." On-screen me smiled as the picture faded out.

The next video to pop up was the one of me slowly walking back from the camera I had sat on the rock of the cliff. It showed Dannon start to walk off, the I grabbed his hand and he turned after moment to sit on the cliff.

"see not that bad?" you could hear me say a moment later "easy for you to say" he mumbled.

Then it cut to the clip if me jumping off the cliff and him looking worried. A moment later he stripped his shirt and shoes, following me right off the cliff. "You okay?" I chuckled "Fine. No thanks to you." He rolled his eyes.

That clip ended and the next on popped up, it showed me holding the camera in Dannon's pale face. He sighed and started walking forward, you could see his face turn pale. he looked down at something with a smile on his face as the color started to return. We both stepped of the crowd and you could hear him say "the end wasn't bad"

Once again the screen changed pictures, It was Dannon on stage. It showed him answering the question and then him being crowned. Then it changed to him standing by the beach, and saying "It just proves that I am the hottest man here"

Then the screen changed to me sitting back in my room.

"We didn't get to do the last fear. There was really no way I could change that but I felt like he didn't need help changing it. Dannon's biggest fear was love itself, he was scared to love because he was scared they would leave him. But what he didn't realize is that he already loves plenty of people. Like his brother Max," A clip of max and Dannon on the beach popped up, " And his bestfriends Hero and Tyler," A clip of the three boys dancing on the same beach popped up next 

"He didn't need help with that fear. It was already solved," I said as the screen flipped back to me, "My opinion's on him have definitely changed, he is not the person everyone thinks he is. Dannon Miller is kind hearted and too smart for his own good. Even though he has a big ego most of the time, it suits him. He would do anything for the people he cares about no  matter the circumstances. Dannon miller isn't just the popular guy he's so much more. And I'm glad I got to spend time with him" I gave a small smile and the screen went black.

Everyone clapped and whispered as the teacher switched the disks. Once Dannon's face appeared on the screen everyone went quiet.

"uh, I don't know Anna-Kate that well. We have gone to school together for a long time but we haven't really talked. I remember she used to be a very social person but when summer ended and high school started she distanced herself. She only kept the few friends she had and didn't even talk to anyone else. Rumors spread that she was just tired of being fake with everyone and gave up. I don't think that's it. Something did change in her but it can't be that she was faking it because she used to be genuinely happy. not faking it at all. I don't really know what I think about her but I know she isn't what people say because no one really is." He said ending with a shrug

The screen changed to Hero's living room. It showed Dannon and me sitting on the couch, me blindfolded. Next Hero walks up and sets the frog in my hands. I sat there for a moment as Dannon took the blindfold off. Then you see me scream and throw the frog and Hero try catching it mid air, Hero successful. Dannon was laughing and holding his stomach as I glared at him. Hero walked up to me and put the frog in my hands, I asked what he was doing and he told me I have to. So I picked It up and eyed it slowly, you hear me say "this isn't so bad" then the frog jumps on my face. Everyone in the room started laughing at that part.

Next the screen changed to me sitting on an airplane. I looked nervous as it took off and I squinted my eyes closed you could hear Dannon say "see you did it" and me say thanks before the screen turned black again.

The next clip was of me and Dannon on stage, at first you could tell I was nervous and only looked at him while we sang. but as the song went on I started to look at the crowd too. The clip ended with me and Dannon smiling at each other at the end of the song. 

A clip of me sitting in a hospital chair popped up, my eyes shut tight as the nurse shoed a needle in my arm. She walked away and Dannon told me to open my eyes, once I did I threw up immediately. The scene ended with Dannon laughing and me looking miserable.

The screen faded in, Dannon was back sitting in his room. "Over these past few months I learned a lot about Anna. She definitely wasn't faking her happiness all those years ago. Anna is someone who can light up a room with just a smile. She is a strong person who has gone through a lot but no matter what she always comes out smiling.  Her last fear was the toughest. She has Haphephobia, fear of touching or being touched. She says its from PTSD, there is no way to really overcome that in one day. But I believe she is slowly over coming it." A few clips popped up of me accidentally touching my friends and some of me holding hands with Dannon and him wrapping his arm around me, "She isn't quite there yet but in my opinion she will be soon.  There is one fear of mine that we didn't get to, or so Anna thinks. But secretly she did. I've always been afraid to love someone. I didn't want to loose anyone else in my life. But she made me realize that I would regret not loving people. i would regret not taking a chance with someone. And I do, I regret not taking a chance with you Anna. I was scared of my feelings and I believed that you would leave me or get hurt. But when I saw how bad my words hurt you, It hurt me even more. And I don't want to see that happed again because I do love you." 

When those words left his mouth the whole room gasped and oohed as Lily grabbed my arm with a grin. 

"Mrs. Willow thank you for pairing me up with an amazing person. This project has taught me and plenty of others how to get over fears and face them. And you helped me with the biggest one of all" On-screen Dannon said before the screen turned black. 

everyone started cheering and I sat there silently. I felt a million eyes one me at once. After a few moments I got up and ran out of the room, no one following gladly. But right outside the door, the man himself leaned against the wall.

"you weren't in there?" I asked walking towards him

"I saw yours and had to step out" He gave me a small smile and sat up straight

"You love me?" I asked a few moments later

"How could I not?" 

"Do you really.."

"I do or I wouldn't have said it" He frowned grabbing my hand

"Are you going to hurt me?"

"I can't make any promises, but I hope not." 

I nodded and looked at the floor thinking to myself for a moment

"I love you Dannon" I said meeting his eyes

Dannon miller, the guy who was nothing to me a few months ago, grinned and pulled me in for a long kiss.

"no more being in secret" He smiled as he pulled away

"get a room" we heard Tyler say

I looked over to find all of our friends standing there and smiling at us.

Who would've thought homework could bring so many people together?

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