chapter 6- "heights"

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I looked around the lunch room in a rush. I haven't seen him all day, and I needed to speak to him.

"Who are you looking for?"kenna asked as she sat down that the table with the others

"Dannon."I sighed as they gave me a dirty look in return

"Why" lily asked confused

"You know how I told you about the frog thing?" They nodded "well I'm gonna make him jump off a cliff" I shrugged

"Woah what" Oliver laughed

"He's afraid of heights" I stated as she spotted the pretty blonde boy from across the room.

I stood up abruptly and walked towards dannon. He looked up from his seat as our eyes met

"Hi" I smiled, my anxiety rising as everyone around them was watching.

"Whats up?" He asked confused

"What are you doing after school?"

"Nothing, why?"

"Good I'm taking you some place. Face your fears you know. Meet at your car ?"

"Sure" he said unsure

I smiled and turned on my heel back to my lunch table with my friends.

"This will be interesting" lily said


At the end of the school day I leaned against Dannons car.

"Hey" Dannon said as he walked up to me with hero

"You ready?" I asked with a grin

"No not really." He mumbled

"Can I drive?" I asked cautiously

Hero started laughing as hard as he could.

"Hell no." Dannon rolled his eyes crossing his arms over his chest

"Please I'm the only one who knows the way" I frowned

"Good luck with this.. I'll see you guys later" hero said laughing before he walked off

"Please Dannon" I pouted

"Just tell me where" he stated

"No. I cant it'll ruin it. Plus it's not a place you'd know."

"I'm not letting you drive my baby" he huffed

"Please I'm a good driver" I sighed stepping closer to him and giving puppy dog eyes

"Fine. But if you get even a scratch on her then I'll kill you" he huffed in a sinister tone.

"I wont" I grinned snatchd the keys and got in the driver's seat.

"Let's ride" I mumbled with a smile

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