Lesson Twelve

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Lesson Twelve - Nobody Gets To Tell You Who The Fuck To Be.

Like I wasn't going to lie it wasn't a big deal that Riker Kennedy wanted me to kiss him. After all I kissed him the other week when I was trying to get under his skin.

The problem right now was the fact that he was telling me too. I didn't do to well when people tried to tell me what to do. More so when they were from a family like his.

Some random person opened the door and the music from the club blasted outside for a second before the door closed once again. For a moment I could see the lights flashing inside before that world slammed shut on my face.

Looking at Sky she gave me a pleading look, telling me that it was an easy way to get in. Sighing I knew I was going to have to give in. There wasn't anything I wouldn't do for that girl and right now she wanted into that club.

So into the club we go.

"Fine." I all but growled out showing that I wasn't happy as all with this outcome.

Riker had a cheeky grin on his face knowing that he had won this round of the battle we were playing. "I'm waiting Princess, I don't have all night."

"I have a catch though." If he thought I was just going to let him win on his terms he had another thing coming. I was always going to try and make sure I had control over the situation even when it start out the way I wanted.

He looked at me with a curious look, like he was trying to work out what my game was. I didn't blame him, the two of us always tried to be ten steps ahead of each other.

"Which is?"

I held my finger getting ready to count out my points. I'm pretty sure what I was about to put in front of him was something that we could both agree on.

"One, not out here there is to many eyes and ears. I don't need to see the title 'Anderson and Kennedy Heirs caught kissing outside Anarchy' in the news. Two, my friends get in too and three, you have to buy our drinks all night."

He looked at him me with his infamous smirk and he let out a chuckle under his breath. There was something about how relaxed around me he always was that made me ease up too. "That's a lot of terms for one kiss."

Taking a step towards him I made sure that we were as close as I dared. Our chests almost touching as I wanted to leave a bit of space and control. Even wearing seven inch heels he was still taller than me.

That fact annoyed me.

"But it would be the best goddamn kiss you ever had and we both know it." The corner of my mouth turned upwards when I seen his eyes glaze over slightly.

He wasn't the only one who knew how to play this game.

Turning to look at my friends they gave me encouraging looks before I then turned back to Riker. "Now why don't you let us in there?"

Riker looked me over again before taking a step over to one of the bouncers that stood at the door. They spoke in hushed tones with the bouncer nodding in the end and unclipping the rope that stood between us and the sweet freedom that was held inside.

"Welcome to Anarchy." He Spoke and I heard Sky sequel in the background clapping her hands together. I watched carefully as Riker took a few steps away from us and started smoking again. He was on his phone once more but this time he was texting at a more furious rate.

Something about Riker's whole posture changed and it made me frown. Something wasn't right. We might not get on all the time but I could always spot any change in Riker. It was almost like my job to try and work out what was going through his head.

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