Lesson Thirty-Two

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Lesson Thirty-Two - Don't Let Idiots Ruin Your Day.

Hearing Sky sigh for the hundredth time tonight I finally turned around and looked at her. We were watching movies in the cinema room in my house eating sweets. It was her idea but ever since we got her she's done nothing but sulk in the chair beside me.

"What's wrong with you?" I finally asked. It was clearly she had finally got the response that she wanted because she looked at me with bright eyes and leaned forward. It was like a child finally getting attention.

"Where did your brother go out tonight?"

Jake let out a laugh beside me but coughed to try and cover it up. He clearly failed in hiding his amusement. This made me raise my eyebrow and turn to face my other best friend again. There was something going on and I clearly didn't know.

"I think he went out to Anarchy with the rest of them."

Her blue eyes went wide and she sat forward in her seat the movie was now completely forgotten about.

"But it was shot up not that long ago, like what if it gets attacked again. You just won that race again Zane's gang what if he wants revenge and goes back. What if some other gang goes there. It's known to be Riker's......"

"Ok I'm going to stop you right there." I put my hands on her shoulders making sure she was purely looking at me and me alone. I could see the conflict going through her eyes. "My brother will be fine, he always is. He's with Riker. Plus Zane won't go near the place after what happened the last time. He's not stupid."

Jake scoffed from beside me and took some popcorn and placed it in his mouth. "More so with what Lyra did to him last night."

A small smirk crossed my features as I turned to face one of my best friends. "You're just jealous you weren't there to see me kick Zane's ass."

He scoffed and paused the movie none of us paying it any attention. "Of course. I never liked the dude anyway."

"I just can't believe we didn't get to see you race." Sulked Sky. She always loved coming to watch me race. She was one of the most innocent people I knew but for some reason she loved watching me do this stuff.

"It was close I'm not going to lie." I admitted. If it wasn't for Zoe telling me that the bridge was completely up straight when she did I never would've been able to make up the distance.

"You going again next week?" Asked Jake standing up from the seat and stretching.

"Nope." I said popping the P and eating more of the popcorn. "I only did it as a favour for Riker."

"You seem to be doing a lot of things for Riker lately. Something you want to tell us?" Asked Jake as he looked down at me. I could see the curiosity in his eyes but I could also see the amusement even in the darkly lit room.

"Other than he's nothing more than annoying piece of shit who just keeps showing up? No I have nothing to tell."

Jake just rolled his eyes and turned on the lights to the room. "Yea because that's everything." He then glanced at Sky who still had worry written all over her features. "And will you please stop with the freaking out. You are giving me a headache just watching you think."

Sky snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Jake almost like it was for the first time. "I'm not."

I scoffed at her little lie and Jake rolled his eyes again giving her a pointed look.

Sky sighed and stood up as well. "Look I'm just worried alright like I haven't been shot at just once lately but twice and knowing Damon doing what he's doing is just setting me over the edge."

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