Lesson Sixteen

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Lesson Sixteen - You're Not Rich Until You Have Something Money Can't Buy.

It has been five hours since the man from earlier was in the room. The woman on the other hand was still sitting here and I could feel myself fall in and out of unconsciousness. Getting tired wasn't something I wanted to happen, I couldn't let myself sleep.

There was no way I could risk putting myself in such a vulnerable position.

God knows what they would do if I did. There was no way I could trust them, even if the woman in front of me looked more shaken about the situation than I did.

In fact at this point I was completely relaxed. The fear from earlier had long since past and I knew that if I wanted to get out of this situation in one piece then I was going to need to keep my head on straight.

After all most of the time the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself.

"What time is it?" The woman looked surprised that I had spoken up after so much time has past. To be fair I had been good for a while keeping my voice to myself. In their minds they probably thought that I had finally shut up because of fear but it was complete the opposite.

My mind was running with every plan and situation I could think of that would get me out of here. My eyes were always glancing around me, trying to spot anything and everything that I could us when I made my move.

There was no way I was going to just sit about and wait for someone else to try and save me.

This situation had me in the heart of it which meant that it was up to me to try and get myself out of it.

The woman looked down at her phone making it cast a shadow over her face from the light. The warehouse was dark and the only source of light was coming from the moon in the clear nights sky. It's been dark for a while but I've long since lost track of time that's past.

"Three in the morning." Her voice was barely a whisper but in the silence it sounded just as loud as if she had talked normally.

Shifting slightly in my chair I tried to get more comfortable as the feeling in my legs rushed back at the movement. It would be lying if I didn't say I was starting to cramp up. Feeling in my hands was long gone as they had went dead a few hours ago. There wasn't enough slack in them to give them any sort of movement to try and get the feeling back. These guys had done a good job at making sure I wouldn't be able to get out of this myself. If I was honest I didn't even know if my wrists were bleeding anymore.

Maybe I would die from blood loss before anyone found me.

Sighing I looked at the woman carefully, I could see that she was getting tired to. She looked a bit more relaxed compared to earlier but I could see it in her eyes. She was ready to run at any sign of trouble.

"So how much did you ask my family for?" With her getting tired I was hoping that I would be able to get out a bit more information from these guys.

"2-20 million." This woman always seemed nervous when she talked and I was starting to think it wasn't just with this situation that she was involved in. I was curious to see if it was just her personality or if it was because of the pressure she was under right now.

Scoffing at the amount I shifted slightly once more trying to get the feeling back in my hands but I knew it was no use. "My family isn't going to pay that."

"Why?" She seemed shocked at my blunt comment but it was the truth, I never lied about things.

Played mind games yes, but I never lied.

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