Lesson Twenty-Four

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Lesson Twenty-Four - The Pain Of Today Is The Victory Of Tomorrow.

My focus was clearly on the bullet wound. I grabbed Riker's arm tightly when he flinched once more. I sent a deathly glare his way. He needed to stop moving or else we were going to be here forever.

"Will you stop it." I growled out as I released his arm once more. Blood was still running down his arm and my hands were covered in it. Just as well I didn't pass out at the sight of it or else we would be in serious trouble right now.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" He asked as he watched me grab the needle and thread.

"I've done these loads of times if you must know. My brothers were always killing each other or someone. Plus you seem forget I used to go out with Zane."

His arm tensed up and I knew it wasn't because of the needle that was now piercing through his skin. I looked up and seen that his gaze was focused on me. It was like he was trying to work something out.

"How did someone like you get involved with Zane Knight?"

I raised my eye brow at him pausing. "Someone like me?"

He rolled his grey eyes at me. "You know what I mean. Your family isn't like mine or his, so how did you get involved with someone like him. I'm sure your dad knows who is his family is, the same way I'm pretty sure he knows about mine."

I shrugged and finished off what I was doing with the needle. "My dad knows I can handle myself. Plus it's my life choice who I get involved with and what I get dragged into. I knew what I was getting involved in when I went out with him."

"Do you regret getting involved with him?" There was a pause before he continued. It was like he was deep in thought. "Being involved with his life?"

I cut the thread and stood up straight. I could see his question was one he wanted me to answer. I didn't know where he was going with all this but it seemed like something he really wanted to know.

"In honest?" He nodded his head and I sighed walking over to the sink and started to wash my hands. "No I don't regret any of it. There's something about that side of life that gave me such a thrill. I loved it, I loved the fear of never knowing what was going to happen next. I don't even regret going out with Zane. I'm a stronger person for it and don't take anyone's shit including his. So no I don't regret any of it."

"You know what I think?" I frowned at him but I was curious.

"What?" I asked not sure what else to say. I could feel him studying me, trying to work out every little thing about me. I was hard to read and I knew that and that's the way I wanted to keep it. The less people knew about me the better. I loved being unpredictable it was who I was and what I wanted to be.

"I think your loyalty to those that you are closest to is either what is going to make you great or it's going to be your down fall, Princess. I seen you with Sky when we were being shot at. I could see it in your eyes. You would do anything to keep her safe, your brother to."

I thought for a few seconds about what he said. I knew he was right but I was proud of that fact but I also knew it was one of my greatest weakness. "My loyalty kept me in some situations that common sense should have taken me out of. I will do anything for my friends and family even if that means ignoring what my head is telling me."

He looked down at his arm a smirk creeping its way onto his features. "We would make one hell of a team if we were in the same world that's for sure, Princess."

I looked at him carefully. "The reason why your dad wants control in our empire is to hide what you are doing isn't it?"

He put either hands on the side of the sink so I was trapped behind them. He was staring at me, looking for answers. He always seemed like he had to be 5 steps ahead of everything.

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