Missing McClain pt 1

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Keith ignored all of the missing persons signs scattered around campus. What good were they doing in the first place. Lance is gone and that's probably for forever. Lance and Keith had been dating for two years before Lance went missing. The posters of Lance's happy glowing face do nothing but haunt him now.

Keith unlocks his apartment door. He sighs before swinging the door open. He flops down on his couch avoiding the several gazes of photos around the flat. He doesn't want to see all of the pictures of he and Lance's smiling faces. He doesn't want to be haunted by Lances deep blue eyes and Carmel skin.

Keith rolls over on his back and sighs. "The love of my life is dead." He mumbles aloud. He moves to back in the apartment to the bedroom.

Keith looks into his bedroom and freezes. He isn't really sure if what he's see is real, but right there tied to his bed is his boyfriend. He stumbles forward. Lance's body is beaten and cut up, his breathing labored, and he's completely nude.

"Lance!" Keith calls to his boyfriend. "Lance, oh my god."

Lance is asleep but it's obviously to Keith he's been drugged to keep him quiet. Keith unties Lance's leg and realizing he has a cock ring restricting his dick and a dildo shoved up his ass. Keith takes out the dildo slowly mortified by its size and the fact that it was covered in his boyfriend's blood. Keith wipes tears from his eyes and moves onto removing every thing else.

Lance was gagged with a dildo that had to have made it hard to breathe. Lance's sight had been completely cut off by a thick black blindfold. His wrist had been rubbed raw by bindings on his showing he was awake whenever he was tied up for at least an hour before he was knocked out.

Keith cried rocking Lance back and forth relieved to finally hold him in his arms after six-and-a-half months. It suddenly donned on Keith that he needs to call the police. He squeezes Lance one more time before he tucks him delicately into their bed.

"9-1-1 what's your emergency?" The operator asks.

"I-I, my boyfriend he had been missing for more than six months but I found him." Keith isn't really sure what to say. He just looks down at his boyfriend with solemn content. The two of them are so young, why did thing have to get so bad?

"What's your boyfriend's name." The operator sounds like they're shuffling some things around.

"Lance McClain," Keith suppresses tears.

"Okay, and he's still with you now?"


"Where are the two of you?"

"45A in the West University Apartments. He was tied to the bed when I got home. They did terrible things to him."

"Does he need an ambulance."

"I think so. I think they did something to him so he wouldn't wake up and they beat him. He's hurt really bad. I don't know what to do."

"Have you untied him?"

"Yes. I couldn't leave him like that."

"Do you think you're still endanger now?"

"I mean someone had to break in to get him in here, and I'm not really sure if they're still here now."

Keith suddenly became paranoid that who ever had been hurting Lance could possibly be in their house still waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. Keith climbs onto his bed right next to Lance. If anyone is still here they're not taking Lance away ever again.

"Alright we have a police unit and an ambulance on their way so just hold tight in the mean time. The police are going to ask you a lot of questions please answer them truthfully to the best of your abilities." The operator instructs Keith.

"Alright thank you." Keith hangs up the phone. "What happened to you Lancy?"

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