Missing McClain pt 2

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Lance had just gotten out of class at the same time Keith was heading off to his night time classes. The next morning Lance was planning on cooking a big breakfast for the two of them since neither of them had class. He was heading off to the store when he heard what sounded like crying.

Lance immediately ran after the sound. He saw a small girl being held by a masked figure. The masked figure seemed delighted to see Lance.

"Let go of her right now!" Lance got ready to fight if he needed to. Lance was going to be an air force general and he planned to be a teacher after that. His entire philosophy was based off protecting people and helping them thrive.

"I knew you'd come, Lancy." The masked figure stabbed the knife into the little girl's leg and Lance immediately jumped into action.

He was very quick to get the little girl away from the masked person and he hid her behind him. The the masked figure held their to Lance's neck, freezing Lance.

"You're very cute Lancy, and I know they've been corrupting you this whole time. It's okay Lance I can keep you safe now just come with me and you'll be okay." The masked figure held Lance so tight that he couldn't move.

"Just please don't hurt the little girl." Lance whimpered.

"She can leave now," the masked figure pinned Lance to the ground and he watched has the little did her best to get away with her leg injury.

The little girl ran into the nearest human and began crying to them what happened. It took four minutes for that person to understand what was going on and in that time the masked figure had already made away with Lance.


Keith got home at twelve o'clock a.m. after his night classes. Most of the time he'd come home with the pleasure of seeing his boyfriend on the couch still awake waiting for him. Equally as endearing would be the days he found Lance fast asleep on the couch where he had fallen asleep waiting on Keith.

Keith was disappointed to find Lance was not on their plush couch fighting sleep so he could snuggle his boyfriend. Keith sighed not really blaming Lance for not waiting. He was still unaware that Lance was gone. The police had yet to figure out who exactly the young girl saw be kidnapped.

Keith wondered back to he and Lance's bedroom. That's when he realized the bed was still made. He flicked on the lights and looked around. Lance was nowhere to be found.

"Lance!" Keith called out thinking maybe he was somewhere else in the apartment. A sense of unease started to creep in. Keith checked the whole apartment looking for a sign that his boyfriend was home but came up empty.

Not even his backpack was hung up in its typical place. Keith felt sick. He called Lance twice with no answer. He paced a bit before immediately calling Lance's best friend hoping for information.

"Hey Keith, it's really late." Hunk yawned.

"Is Lance over at your place?" Keith failed to hide his panicked tone.

"No," Hunk started shuffling around. "Last I heard from him he was heading to the store after class."

Keith ran to the kitchen checking the fridge and all of the cabinets. "Hunk there's nothing new here."

"Shit, did you two get in a fight? Maybe he's trying to have some alone time."

"No, god I can't even remember the last time we fought. Can you call Pidge see what they know?" Keith did his best to steady himself. "I'm going to call Shiro see what he thinks we should do."

"Shiro?" Keith's voice cracked. "Shiro, Lance isn't didn't come home, he's not answering his phone, Hunk hasn't heard from him. We just don't know where he is."

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