Mental Hospital AU I Found in The Back of My Closet

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Lance didn't even look at his mother as he stared out the window.

"Lance we're only doing this for your own good." His mother told him but he refused to acknowledge her. "Lance you have to understand you're sick and being here will help you better."

"I know I'm obese but I'm working on it on my own." Lance complained "I don't need to be here!"

"The very fact you believe you're fat or obese is proof that you need to be here." His mother sighed "I don't want you to continue doing this to yourself. You could barely walk up a flight of stairs."

"Exactly I'm out of shape," he countered and Mis McClain pinched the bridge of her nose. "Just go home mom I need to unpack." Lance started to unpack the beauty products he was allowed to bring and his mother left.

After the beauty products were unpacked Lance got extremely cold and tired so he decided to just sleep. I want to go home, he thought, shivering as he drifted to sleep.


"This is your 5th attempt at suicide, Keith" Keith's social worker put his face in his hands. "You're obviously extremely depressed, and this is the best way to get you help."

"Locking me up in a prison is helping me, noted." Keith said sarcastically.

"You know this isn't a prison." The social worker set a box of Keith's things down. "It's a new building, new and clean. It's not like you'll be in a straight jacket. It's just or kids like you who are at risk of hurting themselves and need professional care. You can call an apple an orange but that doesn't change what it really is."

"Whatever," Keith got on his phone and began messaging some of his online friends.

"At least give it a try Keith," The social work set a hand on Keith's shoulder.

"Sure." Keith rolled his eyes and the social worker left.


Shiro set a duffel bag down at the end of his bed. Shiro and his mother hugged each other tightly.

"Are you sure this is what you want." His mom said sadly. "I'll only be able to see you during certain times."

"It's okay," Shiro gave his mother a smile "I'm sure this will be good for me and I'll be better before you know it."

"I'm going to miss you," Ms Shirogane whispered in his ear.

"Hey," Shiro pushed away from his mom and looked into her eyes. "Go out with your friends. Have the house to yourself. Get a good nights sleep with out me screaming."

His mom chuckled a bit. "Okay. If you think it'll help I'll support you."

"Thank you mother." The two hugged again and unpacked Shiro's belongings.


"Are you sure this is necessary?" Pidge asked their parents.

"How many time do you need to hear the same answer?" Mr Holt countered.

"Honey, you put your binder on too tight and almost suffocated," Mis Holt told her youngest child.

"Three times," Matt, Pidge's brother, added "Also you've been over taking medication. Then not taking it. Then switching medicines. I'm no doctor but I know that's gotta be bad for you."

"Yeah well," Pidge huffed. "I still don't see why I have to be here."

"They'll understand you better than us and help you from going crazy with different medications." Mis Holt explained ruffling Pidge's hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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