Missing McClain pt 3

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The police call in a little girl who made the report of a kidnapping yesterday. They had finally found the victim of the crime she reported but they needed her to confirm it. The little girl is still injured from what Lotor had done to her yesterday but she was willing to help the boy who saved her life in anyway she could.

"Was this the boy you saw being taken away yesterday?" An officer asked her showing her a picture of Lance. She nodded. "You said the guy who was trying to hurt said 'I knew you'd come' when he saw Mr. McClain, correct?"

"Yeah," The girl looked at her hands and compulsively cleaned her nails. "It was like he was after him the whole time."

The police used the additional information to question Keith further.

"Do you know of anyone who would come after Lance?" Another officer questioned Keith less than an hour after the interview with the young girl.

"Not that I know of." Keith shuttered. "He had very few enemies. Everyone loved him."

"What about admirers?"

Keith's eyes went wide as he thought about it. "There were a couple but I don't think," he paused. "There was only two whoever tried to do anything. I told him he should've reported them but he said it wasn't a big deal."

"What happened?" The cop took some notes.

"First there was this guy Lotor, lucky some people caught him before he could do anything and then there was our physiological professor. He heard about what happened with Lotor and he started chipping away at Lance. He did things to Lance, but Lance only told me months after it all ended." Keith suppressed his tears. "I told him to go to the police about it. Believe me I did but he refused and now Iverson may have taken him."

"Are there any other admirers that haven't done anything yet?"

Keith gave them a long list of people who always seemed to be feeling Lance up at parties or going out of their to see Lance at work. Keith didn't realize how many people were trying to get at Lance. Keith could admit he was the jealous type but most of the people he listed were people Lance had off handily complained about.

"Just please bring him home." Keith begged.

"We'll do everything we can."


Lance felt drunk. Very drunk. It was like he was seconds away from blacking out he was so drunk. Lance sat up in the cushy bed he had been placed in. He didn't remember bring brought home, or going to a party, or really much of anything.

"Keith," he whined looking for his boyfriend. Keith never got as drunk as him. Lance found it cute and comforting that he'd always have his much more sober boyfriend looking out for him.

The door to the bedroom opened. Lance expected to see his boyfriend coming in to take him home but instead he saw a nightmare. Lotor has come back just like he said he would. Lance turned to get away but the connection between his limbs and brain seemed to be lazier than usual.

"Keith!" Lance screamed hoping his boyfriend would come save him.

"It's okay baby," Lotor crawled up on the bed. "Keith won't be hurting you any long."

"Help! Keith help!" Lance's panicky nature started to set in as his body failed to escape Lotor's grasp.

"It's okay now," Lotor leans into whisper is Lance's ear. "I've got you and he's never going to lay his hands on you again."

Lance cried the entire time Lotor rubbed their bodies against each and kissed along his jawline down his throat. His limbs refused to work and his voice quickly became raw from his calling out for Keith.

Lotor didn't have sex with Lance at first. He wanted to make Lance believe him so they could fight the world together. Lotor was unwittingly trying to drive Lance insane. Lotor did succeed at driving Lance off the edge breaking the poor man down until he could only say "Keith" over and over.

Keith was the very last thing Lance's brain was able to hang onto. So after a month of Lotor's constant torture Lance broke down to only saying his boyfriend's name on repeat. It started as a reminder that Keith would save him but soon the name lost meaning. Actually the pain was so bad everything lost meaning but the repetition of the sound was so comforting.

After six months Lotor gave up on Lance. He thought Lance had been brainwashed by the society out to get him for so long that he couldn't save save Lance.


Keith didn't  sleep the night he got Lance back. He just stayed by his side. No matter how long it took he'd be there for his Lance.

(Sorry for the bad ending)

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