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Farrah didn't like how the nurse was poking and prodding her all over. She felt like some kind of animal being examined by a scientist.

"I heard you were taken by the Shadow. That must've been scary, hmm?"

Farrah rolled her eyes, but she was through with telling people off.

Skye had left her in a medical station close to the entrance of Haven. Apparently they had to examine her and make sure she didnt have any type of disease that could spread amongst the community. In reality, Farrah secretly wished she did. Maybe then they would kick her out so she could be free and look for Isen.

"Congratulations. You're clear." The old nurse smiled heartily, and Farrah felt only slightly guilty for thinking ill of the woman.

"Can I have your name, dear?"

"...It's Farrah."

"How long have you been alone?"

"I don't know, " Farrah whispered, then added, "I wasn't alone though. Isen was with me and he helped me."

The nurse adjusted her glasses, clearly confused as to who Isen was. Farrah took advantage of the opportunity to try and explain how the other people were mistaken about her monster friend.

"Isen might look scary, but he has a good heart. He is the 'thing' you called the 'Shadow' or whatever you said. I don't know why you guys think he's bad, but he's really nice."

The woman didn't seem at all pleased with this, but she jotted down some notes on a clipboard in her hand and nodded to herself. Farrah knew her words went in one ear and out the other.

"I will let Mr. Bex know you're okay. I'm sure he would like to speak with you."

"But I don't," Farrah protested, trying to get on the old nurse's good side, "Is there any way I can get out of here? I appreciate the help, really, but I need to go."

"I am sorry my dear. I cannot let you wander off. It's a dangerous world out there."
The nurse dropped a small lollipop on Farrah's lap, excusing herself from the room to go get Mr. Bex- whoever he was.

Farrah pretended to stay put, but she immediately lunged for an open window on the side the second the door to the room was slammed shut. With all her might, she wiggled her body out of the tight gap and collapsed on to the dirt floor.

Luckily for Farrah, nobody was around to alert the others that she was planning on escaping. She lifted up her pajama collar and loosened her hair over her face, trying to make sure no one recognized her as she headed straight for one side of Haven's interior walls. 

It took her a few moments to notice a spare ladder resting against one of the walls. She grabbed a firm hold of it with shaky hands, anticipating the sweet smell of freedom with each step she began to take.

She could already hear Isen's voice on the other side of her prison, encouraging her to hurry over and run away with him. With a wide grin growing on her face, Farrah latched on to the top of the gate and was prepared to fly over without any thought as to what was below.

Her joy was short lived the minute a loud, stern voice caused her to freeze in her tracks.

Farrah glanced down behind her and stared at an unfamiliar, older man wearing a slight smirk on his lips. She tightened her hold on the ladder she was on, determined to not let go no matter what.

"Farrah, is it? Why don't you come down here and we can talk. I'm Mr. Bex, by the way."

Farrah shot a nasty scowl at the nurse standing and examining the scene before her with little emotion. She knew the old hag must have known she would try to escape and therefore alerted Mr. Bex.

"I'm not going down there. I have rights. You can't keep me here."

"Why do you want to leave so bad? Is there somewhere you have to go?" Mr. Bex questioned, the wrinkled corners of his eyes becoming more prominent as his smile grew. "Are you going back to your friend, Isen?" 

Farrah didn't like the tone of voice the people around her were using when they mentioned Isen. They were making him sound like he was some sort of emotionless beast. With gritted teeth, Farrah decided she had had enough.

The girl slid down the ladder and rose an angry finger at the older man, walking right up to him and staring him square in the face.

"I'm disgusted by all of you people. You get guns and fancy machinery and- and you suddenly act like everything different out there is bad and needs to be destroyed."

Mr. Bex rose his eyebrows, clearly amused by Farrah's tantrums and not at all affected by what she was saying.

"Why is no one listening to a word I say?" Farrah muttered through gritted teeth, feeling so small and insignificant. Mr. Bex seemed to notice this, and with a kind gesture, he led the young woman away from her only form of escape.

"It's late and you should get some rest. Nurse Lydia here will take you to your room. When you are feeling better tomorrow we will talk."

Farrah nodded slightly, after all, it was all she could do. With a knot in her throat, she silently obeyed and followed the old woman who had ratted her out.

Mr. Bex's eyes trailed after the two until they were completely gone and out of sight. He turned his head to examine the ladder and how close Farrah could have escaped if he hadn't intervened sooner.

The older gentleman's gaze travelled up the gate and rested on the dark shadows of the trees surrounding Haven. The world was silent and not a soul could be seen, but he felt that hidden amongst the darkness, someone or something was watching him. Mr. Bex adjusted his long coat, eyes narrowed as he cautiously inspected his surroundings.

Of course there was nothing there, he thought to himself with a chuckle. Satisfied, Mr. Bex began to make his way back to his own headquarters for the night.

Unbeknownst to him, a pair of glowing, blue eyes lit up from behind a line of dried branches. A creature that the human had failed to spot crawled down a tree, evaporating and appearing farther away from the human's hideout in seconds. It leaned against a boulder, reminiscing on what the girl Farrah had spoken to Mr. Bex about.

"Isen?" The creature mused, the familiar name slithering out his mouth, "My, my. Things are becoming much more interesting around here."

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