Our Last Reunion

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A sea of eyes watched as Farrah was repeatedly punched across the face by Mr. Bex. She no longer yelped out as the blows numbed her jaw, and instead closed her eyes, refusing to pay attention to his outbursts.

"This woman has betrayed us all. She has befriended those creatures who have murdered our spouses, our children!" Mr. Bex grabbed Farrah's chin, forcing her face upwards to show the crowd his handiwork. Blood trickled down her nose and out of her swollen right eye. It was clear that she had been beaten so much, she no longer felt anything.

"Those things have one mission, and it is to destroy everything God has given us. Those things are from Satan himself!"

Farrah could not help but let out a short laugh. Mr. Bex turned to her with shock, hate, and confusion as she studied him with her one good eye. With a scratchy, weak voice only a few could make out, she began to speak out against her abuser, "You really think you're a man of God? I'd say you're the one who's from 'Satan himself'."

A sharp kick to her side caused her to slump to one side, an unbearable pain spreading through her abdomen as she curled up into a tight ball.

"She's clearly delusional-."

"Enough!" Skye bellowed at his father, his voice cracking as he hurried to Farrah's aid. Mr. Bex scrunched up his nose, embarrassed by his son's actions.

"Skye. I swear-."

"You've done nothing but bring problems to all of us! The only reason you've ever gotten what you wanted is because people are afraid of you- not because they admire you!"

Mr. Bex motioned for one of his armed men to take his son away. A man standing off to the side nodded in return, latching on to Skye's jacket as he tore him away from Farrah. Skye resisted, but he was not strong enough. With a quiet sob, he sorrowfully reached out to Farrah, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Farrah's breathing was rigid, and she was unable to move. Mr. Bex continued his ridiculous speech once everything had calmed down, but she could no longer make out the words.

Her trembling hand traveled to her abdomen, where she began to feel something burning and moving inside her guts. It was an uncomfortable sensation, but even so Farrah could not help but let out a small sigh of relief. Rubbing her belly, she whispered to herself, "I guess...that's why..." A small tear trickled down the side of her face as she clenched her hand into a tight fist, "Don't worry...Isen is here."

A terrifying screech caught everyone off guard, but by the time they had a chance to react, half of them had gone flying through the air. Mr. Bex's jaw dropped as he caught sight of two familiar looking creatures appearing out of nowhere and tearing through his own people without any remorse. He stepped back, ordering his men to get to their positions and turn the spotlights on.

Isen lunged at two however, and ripped off their heads, devouring their blood with an insatiable appetite. Farrah attempted to raise herself up, reaching out to Isen though she knew he hadn't spotted her yet.

"Isen," She called out as loud as she could, a feeling of joy rising inside her as she once again laid eyes on the creature she cared for. Despite the chaos erupting around them, Isen's fearsome expression softened once he focused on Farrah's battered body.

He was by her side in a matter of seconds, his fingers gently wiping the blood from Farrah's face as sorrow and pain overcame him. "My Farrah," he spoke in a broken voice, "My poor Farrah. What have they done to you."

"It's okay. You're here now." Farrah couldn't help but grin despite it hurting her face. She intertwined her small fingers with his, resting her head against his chest. It was just like she had dreamt of doing each and every night there in Haven. "You've saved us."

Isen didn't understand what she meant, but he was unable to ask Farrah what she was talking about. Algol was warning him of the spotlights that were seconds away from turning on.

"Take Farrah someplace safe, Isen. Don't you dare come out unless I need you to."

Isen agreed, carefully picking up his love as he cradled her close against him. Farrah could care less about all that had happened. She smiled at the sight of the carnage around them, clearly delirious from the blood she had lost. In her mind, however, she knew that Haven would die and with it, Mr. Bex. It was the only thing keeping her from slipping into unconsciousness. She wanted to see it happen.

"You must rest here until this is over." Isen had broken into a dorm where no one currently resided. He rested Farrah on a bed, pulling up the covers to shield her shivering body. Though he wanted to do more, there was nothing he could do, and Farrah understood.

"I'm so happy to see you again," She spoke slowly, "Promise me we'll go far away from here."

Isen didn't respond, but instead laid himself beside Farrah. He protectively wrapped her in his arms, burying his face in the back of her neck. It had been so long since the human had felt so safe, she only wished that moment lasted forever.

"I love you, Farrah. I will always love you."

She did not respond, not when she knew what was coming.

"Please, Isen. Please stay."

"I cannot leave Algol. We cannot hide anymore."

Farrah let out an ugly sob, covering her mouth as she felt Isen began to let go of her. By the time she managed to summon the courage to face him, he was gone and out of sight.

Her lips trembled as her fingers fumbled for the closest weapon she could find. Isen needed help, he needed her, if she could only find something to help him with...

"...Farrah?" A meek voice coming from the inside of a wardrobe nearby caused the woman to stop and glance at the piece of furniture. She gritted her teeth, recognizing who it was that had been watching her and Isen.

"Get out, Skye."

He did, revealing a bloodied nose and fresh tears crawling down his cheeks. It was clear by how puffy his eyes were that he had been crying nonstop. As if realizing words could no longer fix the damage that had been done, Skye reached into the wardrobe to grab what Farrah noticed was a shotgun. He handed it to her, avoiding eye contact as she snatched it from his hands.

"There's four spotlights. They're in every corner of Haven. They're also armed with those guns we used to shoot Isen at first. I can help you hijack one of them, and we can shoot the other three posts."

"No," Farrah replied bitterly, "I don't trust you."

With the last bit of her strength, the woman stood up and began to march away towards the front door. Skye nodded to himself, regret coming over him as he collapsed on to the floor.

Everything was falling into ruin, and it was his own doing.

If only he hadn't listened to his father.

If only he wasn't afraid of him.

If only...

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