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"How long do we have before I should leave?"

"An hour or so."

Farrah slipped out of her pajamas, casually tossing the heavy material to one side as she made her way towards Isen. He had his hand outstretched towards her, beckoning her towards a large, dark pool of water that had formed deep inside the cave.

"Are you sure it's not too cold?"

"It is not."

Farrah squealed like a small girl as she tiptoed towards the edge of the waters, squeezing on tight to Isen's hand in case she slipped on the slimy rocks underneath her feet.

"Just to let you know I'm not a good swimmer. Also, there's no creepy things in the water like sharks or something?"

Isen let out a small chuckle, catching Farrah by surprise. He picked up the girl and brought her close to him, their bodies pressed against each other as he glided slowly towards the calm waters.

When he was hip dip, he slowly set Farrah down and watched with hidden joy as the lake reached up to her neck. She let out a choked, loud giggle as she awkwardly swayed from side to side, attempting to stay afloat on her own.

"Are you sure you are fine?"

"I'm more than fine! It's been so long since I went swimming. This feels so great," Farrah wasn't an expert in other aquatic related activities, but she was great at keeping herself from sinking.

Isen crouched down, face to face with Farrah as he wrapped his large, strong arms around her body. Farrah felt a wave of electricity soaring through her as his claws gently scraped against her skin.

"This ritual is practiced by many within the stars. It is only something we do when we have found those we wish to always be with."

Farrah let out a shy giggle, "Geez, Isen. You're going way too soft on me." She was smiling, but inside, her heart was withering away. Farrah knew Isen was saying goodbye even though she was desperately trying to convince herself that wasn't the case.

Isen outstretched his hand and pressed his palm against Farrah's own. Her hands were much smaller than his, Farrah thought as the beast momentarily stared at her. She was too caught up in the moment to even realize something was wrong with her companion.


She faced him, her smile wavering as she realized it was time.

"Farrah. I am afraid if we are to ever meet again, it will be our last reunion."

"St-stop." The woman tried to laugh to disguise the ugly, sad emotions building up, but her chuckles eventually turned to small chokes.

Farrah covered her face and turned away from Isen, hoping he wouldn't see her face carved into a wretched mask of pain. Isen knew what Farrah was feeling, however, and he sympathized with the human.

"I have been alone for so long. The pain felt in a goodbye is the one thing I never had to deal with- until now that is."

Isen turned Farrah back towards him, digesting every detail of her face. Despite her red skin and the snot dripping down her noise, the creature could not help but feel a strong, loving bond with the human. It only made him feel worse about the current situation.

"For some strange, unnatural reason, I have come to care about you. Your childish antics, your imperfections, the way your saliva drips down the side of your cheek when you sleep-."

"Hey!" Farrah cut in, burning with embarrassment at the last remark. Isen softly patted her cheek in return, stalling for a moment before choosing to continue his confession.

"The things you dislike about yourself are the things I adore most. I have traveled the entire galaxy and have roamed your world...I never expected to find someone quite as special as you."

Isen rested his forehead against Farrah's own, breathing in deeply as a deep purplish light began to radiate around them. Farrah was awestruck by the splendid spectacle, but was more caught off guard by Isen's words.

"I love you, Farrah. Deeply."

What Algol had said before was true. Farrah felt her heart come to a stop as the words slithered into her ears and settled on her mind.

She couldn't speak. After all, what could she say when she failed to recognize what her feelings for Isen were?

After a few stutters, she attempted to give a proper response, but Isen prohibited her from doing so. He decided to finish the ritual with a few closing words, "No matter how far apart we are, you and I will always remain in one other's hearts. Promise me you will once again find happiness with your people."

Farrah chewed on her lower lip, nodding and forcing the knot in her throat to settle down. "I mean, this can't really be goodbye. You can visit me?"

Isen didn't respond, and instead stepped back, the beautiful light around them suddenly fading into nothing. In the darkness, Farrah admired how the water reflected off of Isen's face and perfectly sculptured body.

"I am a monster, Farrah. If I were a man, perhaps things would have been different."

"You're not a monster." She responded defiantly, stepping closer with her hands outstretched towards Isen.

"But I am. I have done things. I am-."

"Loved," Farrah smiled, resting her hands against Isen's stiff arms. She hugged him as tightly as she could, hoping that time itself would stop so that moment could last forever...

From outside, Algol paced back and forth- only an ounce of patience left in him. Though he was keeping an eye out, he wanted to run back in the cave and figure out what was taking them so long.

He waited for what felt like forever before deciding enough was enough. He whirled around and came to a complete stop.

Farrah was already making her way towards him from the cave, Isen watching after her. Algol could tell the two were different and though he felt disgusted to admit it, he was sure something had happened between them.

"You do know how long you took, right? It's nearly nighttime. Your people could be anywhere around here." He bent down, staring at her right in the face.

Yes, she was different. Whatever happened between her and Isen, she seemed more at peace, more determined. Farrah rested the palm of her hand on Algol's head, catching him by surprise. She patted him with a grateful smile and added, "Thank you for letting me see Isen. It's time for me to return."

Algol was close to responding, but he decided not to. He glanced past her, at the lonesome shadow standing by without a word.

Though he wouldn't mention it, Algol could tell Isen was breaking apart from the inside. He could sense the others spirit shattering into pieces, and the thought of a powerful being like Isen being so affected by a human perturbed Algol.

"We should hurry before those humans spread to this area." Algol snatched Farrah's hand, nodding towards Isen's direction. Isen merely bowed his head, retreating into the shadows as he waited for the woman to vanish.

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