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Farrah sat at the far edge of a table, watching the citizens of Haven talking and laughing all around her. She tried to smile at a few stares despite feeling terribly awkward.

She started to wonder if coming to the party was a good idea, until a lit candle was placed on the table followed by a bright, white flower. Farrah glanced up, an eyebrow raised as she caught sight of a well groomed Skye. He grinned from ear to ear, pulling a seat beside her

"I'll admit I'm surprised you even came." He picked up the flower again, handing it out to Farrah.

"Is that for me?" She responded with fake surprise, plucking the tulip from Skye's fingertips. She examined it closely, her mind wandering back to the time when she had been bitten by a certain rose. It was how she had met Isen.


Farrah's relaxed expression began to fade away into what Skye could only describe as deep sadness. He didn't want to ask what was wrong, at least not yet. If he wanted her to open up to him, he would wait until the time was right.

"Have you made any friends yet?"

"No. I don't think people want to talk to me."

Skye let out a small snort, nodding towards a few people Farrah presumed he knew.

"They're just a little intimidated. I mean you kinda seem a bit standoffish."

Farrah rolled her eyes, furrowing her eyebrows together, "Sure."

Upon noticing she was going quiet again, Skye grabbed a hold of Farrah's cold hand and stood her up despite her wishes. With her hand in his, he raised it up and began to shout at everyone around them to get their attention. Farrah shielded her face with her free arm, feeling extremely self conscious as a sea of eyes were now focused on them.

"For those who don't know, this is a good friend of mine. Her name is Farrah, and it's her birthday today."

Claps began to rise, and Farrah found the chance to sneak a quick peek at the people surrounding them. Contrary to what she thought, they were actually smiling at her with no judgement visible on their faces. Farrah blinked a couple times, wondering if she actually had a chance to fit in with these people.

"Who agrees it's time for a dance?" Skye bellowed, causing an uproar of cheers to rise from the group. He turned towards a few musicians who seemed rather eager to start performing something else. They seated themselves on a couple of chairs with guitars and other instruments at hand. One of them, a woman dressed in a beautiful blue dress, made her way in front of them. Though she had no microphone at hand, her voice traveled inside the room and echoed around every inch of the structure.

Farrah was awestruck by how beautiful her voice was, but was caught off guard when Skye placed a hand on her waist. She was about to snap, then stopped when she realized the others around her were slow dancing.

"Sorry. I should have asked if you even want to dance."

"I don't know how," Farrah muttered, avoiding eye contact with Skye. He stepped closer to her, leading her right hand on top of his shoulder. "I'll teach you. It might come in handy in the future." Skye beamed, starting to sway from side to side in rhythm with the music. Farrah felt as stiff as a log and imagined she must have looked awful. If it wasn't for Skye's guidance, she felt she would be tripping all over the place.

The soft tune of the singer's voice mixed with the environment of Farrah's party was proving to be a bit nostalgic for the woman. She attempted to keep herself distracted to stop the sad, yet happy feelings inside her at bay. It didn't help though, and she knew why.

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