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Percy Flynn

Spencer and I spent more than one hour in the car, talking. We talked about a lot of things including his new friends which he admitted were not really his friends; he claimed they were just too nice to kick him out. I told him about the recent happenings at our table, leaving out the part of my breakup. Save the best for last.

By the time we actually made it back to the party we were surprised to still see it at full swing. Yes, many people were already passed out from the alcohol but many more were still gyrating on the dance floor and playing games in groups. I leaned down towards Spencer, there wasn't much height difference between us. While I was 5"8, he was 5"6 or so. I knew many guys that are taller than me but it didn't get intimidating at all, all that mattered was how you saw and carried yourself. I did that pretty fine.

"I'm going to go get us drinks." I shouted, so he could hear me over the echoing music. He nodded looking around but when I made to leave, he stopped me by holding unto my hand.

"I'm on drugs. Should I be having alcohol?"

"Right," So much for being a nurse. "So hot chocolate then?"

He smiled, and then released my hand. "Jerk. Soda would do."

I nodded back and went off. I got a cold bottle of beer for myself and Coke for Spencer. When I got back to the place we were before, he was still there. He had his arms folded around him with a menacing frown on as he tried to avoid people bumping into him as much as he could. It was surprising to see him like this. The Spencer I knew would have been talking to half the people in this room by the time I came back. He always had something to say when in the midst of people and stood in between being an introvert and extrovert.

I wondered how he became so shy and redrew into some invisible shell slash wall that he made up. I guess the events that happened affected him more than we perceived, maybe more than anyone else even. I unconsciously made it my job to bring back the old Spencer. I liked him more.

"Here's your Coke." He looked up at the sound of my voice and I saw him face visibly relax as he took the can from me. "Unfortunately, it's not cold."

"Thank you." He said with a nod.

I took a gulp of my beer. "So why are you just standing around? Don't you want to dance?"

"Dance?" His eyes got wide as he shook his head causing his curly hair to bounce around. "No way."

"Why not?" I jabbed him with a finger. "You and I know you've got some pretty sick moves."

He smiled, handing me the Coke as he caught his hair up in a bun. "Sick moves, yes. I might end up barfing on everyone. Would be the highlight of the night."

I rolled my eyes, putting the can tucked under my beer holding hand as I helped him tuck a stubborn lock back into his man bun. "Not sick, sick. Awesome and you won't get to barf on anyone because I'll be--"

"Percy!" Some guy yelled as his arm came to rest on my shoulder. "PJ, sup man."

I handed Spencer back his drink and turned to the guy. My teammate. "It's PF and that's not a thing so..."

He laughed. "Come on man, we've been looking for you all over the place." He came closer to my ear. "Mel is about to flash us."

"Mel?!" I asked eye wide, not really believing my ears. Poor girl must be drunk out of her mind. I turned to Spencer with pleading eyes and he nodded in understanding.

God, I didn't want to leave him but I've got boobs to save. Melody would literally kill herself if she succeeded in flashing her breasts to the football team. Who even gave her alcohol?!

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