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Percy Flynn

As the final whistle blew, signaling the end of the game, I didn't know who was more happy - we the players or the watching crowd? Cries and hollers of joy rang through the air and although some people were mad and angry, the losing team, the joyous people were the majority.

As expected, we won but that wasn't the only thing making me happy. Amongst the joyful crowd, I could see Spencer clapping and jumping and I knew that I've truly won. The moment he saw me, he grinned and starting heading down.

"Man, we did it!" Henry shouted, trying to shake me.

I shook him instead, "I know!" I wasn't in the mood to celebrate with them now though, Spencer was my priority and I was bee lining for the wired fence that separated the field from the bleachers. Coach however didn't get this and stopped me to give his congratulations, and then there were the cheerleaders. I had to literally peel the girls off me so I could move on. On other days, I'd be basking in these celebrations but today, they had to understand, I've got Spencer first.

Eventually I made it out of the fence then Spencer and I hit our chest together, because of the padding and remnant adrenaline in my system, I almost sent him flying but thankfully held unto his hand before any damage could be done.

"Wow," He exclaimed. "That was quite awesome. The violence was eh..." He laughed at my expression. "Joking, I was thoroughly pleased."

"See, I knew you'd love it." I replied, still holding unto his hand, I'm not sure he noticed this.

He nodded. "Yea but if I was on the losing team, I wouldn't have. You were awesome."

"Are you saying it's because of me, you liked it?" I teased.

He opened his mouth to respond but closed it without saying anything, blushing as he shrugged.

"PC!" A tiny voice shrieked and I turned away from Spencer to see my Dad and an overly excited four year old running closer.

I immediately let go of Spencer's hand and this time, he noticed. "I'll meet you at your car." He mumbled nodding at me before disappearing into the crowd. I was hit by guilt and shame for being such a coward but I was soon distracted as my over excited sister narrated the whole game back to me in broken words and missing alphabets.

I could already imagine the conversation Spencer and I were going to have once we were alone. Gah, if only I could skip this part and get to the kissing and happy moments already. Too bad life isn't that easy.

Spencer Tracey

I've been stepped on, pushed, shoved and even spat on but this had to be one of the best nights I've had in a really long while. I was also drained up of all my energy but my lips still held the position of a small smile.

Percy was awesome.

I've thought American football to be of no use and a part of me still thinks so but with Percy playing it made it more exciting. Every time he scored a touchdown, he'd look over at me as if to say, 'see that?' Anytime he was shoved to the ground, he'd get up again. It was like nothing in the world could bring him down.

I used the last cent on me to buy a bag of Crackers and as I relaxed on Percy's car, slowly eating the crunchy goodness, time slowed a bit, the heaviness in my heart got more obvious and the small smile dropped completely.

"I think I like you. I like you, more than a friend."

"What did he mean by that?" I asked out loud for the billionth time since I and Percy's hallway moment. It might be obvious to anyone what he meant but to me, I really couldn't understand it.

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