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Percy Flynn

I returned home the next day and everybody was all over me making sure I was alright, everybody except Spencer. I looked up and I saw him on the stairs, our eyes met and he turned away walking back inside. I sighed; I've really fucked this one over. He had even braided his hair out of annoyance, it looked cute though. His whole face was out, looking as handsome as ever. I wonder what he was going to do with his fingers now, especially when I'd decide to talk to him.

Paxton wasn't home yet and I didn't know whether to be happy or not. I was not sure I'd want to tell him anything either but he could help with Spencer. When my parents let me be, I carefully went up the stairs and into the room. Spencer was on his bed reading, the room looked too tidy and my phone was on my neatly arranged bed. I carefully made my way over to the bed and sat down, my eyes still on him.

I thought about how to start talking to him and where to start from. How was I going to phrase it, should I even do that or just rip the band-aid off? I could tell Spencer wasn't reading anymore, his eyes were still on the book sure but he hadn't moved and his eyes haven't either. He was waiting for me to say something.

I signed in defeat, burying my head in my hands. Why was this so difficult? I could tell him everything and anything, he was my boyfriend after all and I wasn't going to lose him over Janis fucking metal sins. I heard shuffling on the bed and when I looked up Spencer was lying down, facing the wall, book thrown away. He was shutting me out.

"Spencer," I started and stopped. I'm sorry, I got raped by Janis and now I feel so fucking weak and like I've cheated on you!

"I don't want to talk either Percy," he said. "You look like you've had a long day, just rest."

"You don't mean that." My voice cracked and I remembered we were going to go on a date today. A spectacular date I have been planning, I was going to blow his mind and this fucking happened.

"I have no choice but to," he said, then pulled the comforter over his head. "See you later."

"Well, aren't you going to school?" I asked, trying to make him look at me.

"I'm a senior, I can skip." Was all he said, not looking at me at all.

I got off the bed and left the room. I could hear my dad singing in the kitchen and when I went up to him, he was cleaning up.

"Hey son," he glanced at me, then back to the sink. I could tell he just finished cooking and was cleaning up. "What's up?"

Well, a couple things.

"Um, Spencer's mad at me and I don't know what to do." I sat up the chair, dangling my legs under and using my hoodie sleeves to cover my reddened fists.

"Why is he mad at you?" Dad glanced at me again and back to his chore.

"I um-" I clicked my tongue on the roof of my mouth. "I'm withholding some information from him."

"Oh and why are you doing this?"

I groaned, "dad, please stop asking me all this why's and just tell me what to do, please."

He huffed turning to me, "well, I don't think anything can solve the matter unless you tell him this so called information or make him understand why you can't tell him." He raised a brow at me. "Is he asking about your ex girlfriend?"

I shook my head, "no." Just then I remembered when Paxton was kidnapped last year and the whole house went into panic mood. Mum couldn't stop crying and yelling at the cops and dad - going against his calm nature - was looking for something or someone to punch. I wondered what would happen if I ever told them about what Janis did to me. All hell would be let loose, not that I was ever going to tell them.

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