And the target is set

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It has been a month and few days since I started this book. I'm so happy to have 150+ reads and I hope that those will grow in the future.

Hope you enjoy 😉


There was one thing Danny noticed about his ghost side. Dan, the one he met few months ago, was different than the one in his head. Unlike most of his enemies who have, to some degree, a moral conscience, Dan possesses no such trait. He is outright murderous, wrathful, insane, remorseless, cruel, twistedly sadistic, and brutally ruthless, and is more than willing to kill even the people he once cared about to get what he wants.

Due to possessing no humanity whatsoever, Dan can accurately be described as a psychopath. He enjoys manipulating his friends and family in the past, toying with his younger self by revealing his past self's secret identity to his parents. Dan even goes so far as to pridefully point out how he purged his humanity long ago. Combined with his destructive tendencies, implied enormous body count, and his willingness to murder his own family in the past to ensure his continued existence in his present, Dan is an absolute monster, showing that he is willing to go to any lengths to preserve himself as he is. To make things worse, he is also shown to have a psychotic and unnerving sense of humor, joking and taunting whenever he so feels like.

He is also notably arrogant, as he condescendingly remarks upon his younger self's charge before taking down him down in the future with a sense of dissatisfaction on the lack of effort on his part. Despite that, he was aware that he could not destroy Danny because that would erase him so he instead battered him to a point where he couldn't intervene.

This was a long description of Dan (I totally didn't help myself with google translate...) that Danny met few months ago. Dan which fused with him had moral conscience to some degree. He was still murderous and twistedly sadistic but not at a such high level as the full ghost. Ghost side Dan said that he wanted to make a hell out of Danny's life but it didn't sound so insane.

(Back to the chapter)

Yet again, Danny found himself in a position of an observant. Dan was now flying above the city, scanning it for some unknown reason. It was quiet up there, only faint sound of the traffic could be heard.

"Now lets get some attention." The sudden voice sounded like through a microphone in the silent space.

"What kind of attention do you mean." The boy inside asked carefully. He didn't want to give Dan any bad ideas, or ideas overall. Whatever he said could be used against him in a bad way.

"Just the front page of the newspaper, few minutes in the news on tv, a warrant and maybe the Batman's attention." The evil part said like it was nothing. Being a wanted criminal with mastered ghost powers running around a city could sound like fun but not to Danny. He knew that it wasn't him, who was going to terrorize this city but he felt responsible for Dan's action. All those bad things that happened in his life, like it wasn't enough. Being a homeless boy, afraid of himself and alone, plus he was about to become the most wanted criminal.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Danny's voice sounded inside of his head, at the verge of tears.

"I said I was going to make a living hell out of you life." The ghost answered and shrugged. If someone saw him, they would think that he was insane, talking to himself above the city.

"A 40-yard long street has a tree every 10 yards on both sides. How many trees are there?"

"Is that a riddle?" Danny asked in disbelief. Dan was about to get himself a front page in the newspaper and he was asking riddles?

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