A friendly request

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I'm so grateful to all of my readers who made my day a lot better just by reading and enjoying my book. I saw a lot of you guys ad my book to your reading lists and I'm grateful to all of you for doing so.

If you have time, I would like to read all your opinions on my story and maybe some ideas of what to make better or what to ad. Comments make help me improve so don't be shy.

This is also one of the longest chapters from this book so I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.


When Dick left Jason's room, he stood outside for a few minutes and listened. He could hear the shuffling of clothes so he assumed that Jason changed into his night clothes and went to bed. After few more minutes, light snores could be heard from behind the wooden doors. This was a cue for Dick to leave. He had some unfinished work in the cave so he decided to finish it today.

When he entered the cave, he was met with his brothers waiting for him by the computer screen and with Bruce not far away.

"Where's Jason?" Tim asked.

"He's in his room sleeping." Dick replied, an image of his stressed brother appeared in front of him. He grew to the little boy he kind of adopted more attached than he was willing to admit.

"Let him rest, he deserves it." Tim said, turning away from the computer. He rubbed his stinging eyes and walked towards a tray with steaming coffee.

"You know, you could use some sleep too. Coffee isn't good for a person your age." Dick commented. As in a protest, Tim lifted his cup and took a huge gulp. He finished his coffee and just glared at his older brother for criticizing his method of staying awake.

"Is Bruce still inside?" Nightwing asked his brothers. He didn't know how much time he had spent with Jason so he wasn't sure if the interrogation has ended or not.

"No, father is still inside talking to that monster." It was now Damian who said something. "And before you ask, he didn't get any more useful info from him."

All three of the boys sighed and went back to what they were doing before. Meanwhile inside of the interrogation room, two irritated beings were sitting in front of each other. The duo hadn't spoken since the ghost shut his mouth after the little space out. Batman was just staring whereas Dan was playing with his hands.

"Is there anything else I should know?" Batman asked even though it was a stupid question.

"Yeah, I want out." Dan growled and slammed his chained hands against the table. Bruce didn't say anything while he was walking out of the door. As he reached the computer area, he sighed and pulled down his cowl. When the boys saw him do it, they put down their masks too, revealing all of those blue eyes except Damian's green ones.

"Spiteful one, don't you think?" Dick asked his father figure to lighten the mood. Bruce gave him a blank expression and went to the tray with the coffee. When he reached for the cup, he found it empty, without his precious dark liquid. He didn't need a detective to know who drank his coffee. Nobody except Tim drank coffee so.

Bruce's gaze landed on Tim and he chuckled nervously. "I can make you another?" He asked halfway to the staircase leading to the manor. The billionaire just shook his head and went to sit by the computer to finish the file on Phantom.

Name: Phantom
Alter ego: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Race: Ghost
Appearance: white flaming hair, red eyes, light blue skin, fangs, pointy ears, muscular body build, white and black hazmat suit with a cape
Powers: Sonic scream, green fire blasts, super strength, enhanced hearing, energy structures, more may be discovered
Weaknesses: ectoranium
Notes: -mental disorder
             -knows Red hood

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