Chapter Eight: Shannon

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The record had stopped spinning and the room had only the faintest of daylight. The little witch was haggard looking. Yet her eyes sparkled with new vision and life. Her plan was forming together. She would have the cure within her hands in just a few more days. It was only a matter of time. Heck, she just had to keep feeding Detective Oakland a false trail. Her lips turned into a tiny grin. As she peered into her mug of hot chocolate, Shannon recalled what happened weeks ago. It went a little something like this...

Click went the phone with Detective Oakland on the other side. Shannon stood outside of the Commissioner's office. Her golden ringlets puffed out of her witch's hat. The genius kid witch fixed the folds of her violet dress and clicked together her silken shoes. No, kid was not the right term to describe her real age. But people only really was her as a kid. Shannon was much older than everyone realized, even Shannon. Still it mattered very little at the moment. 

Everyone knew Shannon as a kid. (Shannon as well.) Her junior detective bandage was on her chest pocket as a measure of honor. The whole department and the Magic Constabularies Squad recognized her level genius in her wits to solve magical mysteries and events. Yet as of the last half of a year, the all-star kid genius had not been allowed near the magical frontlines or one foot away from headquarters. They were all treating her like a baby. It had been due to the Commissioner finding out about her physical results from the doctor. The doctor had told the Commissioner and Shannon it was terminal and without cure. Now the whole department saw her as a tiny and weak child. They gave her honorary work in the office.

She huffed. Shannon held her hand out for her spider familiar to hand on the tip of her finger. The silk tread of the spider's wed slipped onto the tip of her pinky. It now allowed her a line to tune into the responses of the Commissioner to Detective Oakland. Shannon did not make a single change in expression at the report of Mister Manchester and the twins. Shannon did find grave interest in the mention of the male twin, Yuki. She reflected back on her in encounter with the strange boy who delivered an object into her hands. The witch dared not to say a word to anyone in the department as she found it would provide her a chance to be cured, if she master it.

The little witched sneezed somewhat as she focused her strength in using her magic. Shannon closed her eyes and reflected. It was true, she could find Yuki again and offer to return the object. But he gave it to her willingly. It was what was keeping Shannon alive and on her feet. Without it, she would have been left in a hospital bed by now. Shannon's own magic had been on the decline over the last few weeks. The trip she took to the circus did allow for her to see the oddest of exchanges between a boy and some old fortune teller. Also the sudden appearance of the princess of Yena was something unexpected.

Shannon paused for a moment. The circus people and Mister Manchester were interrelated. Detective Oakland's story was like her own... Shannon waited for the end of the call. The Commissioner was bringing Detective Oakland onto the case. He just needed to select a partner for her. He was also in the need to have the bird checked out to see if it was an enchanted citizen. The Commissioner came outside of his door. He was a short man with a quick temper. He spotted Shannon and said, "Hey, Shannon, listen. Get back to the desk. Someone may be calling us right now."

She nodded. Shannon knew she would not be chosen for the new case, even if they knew she would be the best choice to assist the rookie Detective Oakland. No, they would chose a senior Magical Constable like Jarod or Cid. Shannon would not be allowed out for such a trying case. She was just part of the department out of pity. She fluffed her dress and hopped into her chair at the desk. If they needed her and her brains, they would bring the case file here. Just like how the Commissioner was bound to ask her to do the analysis on the bird. They had to keep her busy. It would be bad to leave the dying kid, without some task.

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