Chapter Thirteen: The Unknown

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"Magic is a curse, but reality is worse... I cannot stand the cycles of life and death. Why should a person be limited by their life force? Why should I have to give up everything and a rotten king can continue to live? Tell me. How is it fair? I demand to know. How can someone called a Dream Weaver not grant me a wish? Why some pitiful princess? Why you? Why not me?" Shannon said with disdain as she grew tired of talking to herself.

Shannon closed her eyes as the soul faded out on its light within itself. The struggle of willpower was over. It became a blacken sphere between her fingers. The witch in her fleeting strength willed herself to finish. She waved out her hand. The little witch fell onto the floor as the handmaiden's body was taken over.

The Unknown came forth with a strong wind. It had taken over Sophia's body. It had tainted her body to a sickly white. A set of long black wings came forth from its back. The Unknown had sapphire eyes like gemstones. It moved its hands over its head and magic sparked about its fingers. The Unknown quietly stared upon Reality and its chosen child, Shannon. The little witch would be granted her dream. For here in this small and dark space, the Unknown would start granting the wishes of other. Oh the Unknown would make everything dandy!

Shannon weakly looked up at the Unknown. It held a form of the handmaiden. But it seemed to be shifting between a misty clouds, a girl, a raven, and it was hard to describe. It seemed the Unknown could not choose a solid form. Not that Shannon had long left to see anything. For her lifespan had been spent. It was here that the Unknown completely claimed her as its kin. The Unknown leaned over to Shannon and kissed her sickly head. The little witch trembled as the cold over took her.


Edgar rushed out of the safety of the junkshop. But it was not the forest of Yune. It was not even close. Nowhere were the spiders to be found. Nowhere were the unnerving sounds of feet on webs. Just as Nan said. Edgar rushed about this new location. A misty moon hung over head with small off dots of stars. The sounds of hooting owls were about. Edgar spun about trying to gain some idea of where exactly he was. The doorway to the junkshop lingered in the mists for a second as Edgar turned away. But as he circled round the door disappeared into the night. He swallowed nervously. The hair on his skin stood up for as he stood in his new location he heard rustling. His ear catch the sound of people talking far at first. Then right next to his ear. Edgar jumped with a start. The voices were a loud murmur of nonsense.

The young duke covered his ears as the voices echoed far and near. They spoke down to a meek whisper as the hooting owls screeched over them. Edgar felt a cold breath on his neck as he tried to study the strange place. His feet stepped onto a cobble path. The rustling and the heavy sounds went dead silent. Edgar uneasily dared to wonder who exactly was waiting for him to turn around. He again felt the heavy breathing right on his neck. A heavy and cold hand rested on his shoulder. The creak of the lamp swung  as Edgar lifted it up. The young duke twisted his head and meet eye to eye (rather eight eyes) with a lurking figure. It opened its mouth into a wide grin.

"My, my... What do we have here?" It said.

Edgar trembled before the creature. It had four legs in a pantsuit. Its four arms rested at its side in a neat smoking jacket. The creature was hairy and black. Its eight eyes blinked with kind amusement at Edgar. It moved its head closer to reveal its shaggy face to Edgar. The duke swallowed as he kept down a scream. For he realized he now was peering at a rather strange spider person. The duke sputtered, "Edgar... I ... Searching... For ... My friends! You're a big spider!!"

"Aw! I see!" It nodded, "I had hardly realized I would be considered to be a large spider. But I do have a name. I am Sir Styx."

"S-s-r Styx? You're a really big spider!" Edgar babbled. He shook his head as he held up the lamp. The words of Nan came bouncing back to his mind. He cleared his throat, "S-sir Styx, I need to find my friends! I am afraid they are in danger."

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