So thats the reason, huh?

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| Emma's POV |

I have to slide out of Ethan's heavy arms to start to get dressed early, im still baffled as to how he can sleep for so long. Though truth be told, at 3am I did wake up only to catch him staring at me with those soft eyes that scream that they love me.

When my hairs fully straightened and I've applied my light make up, I kiss Ethan to try and wake him up but he doesn't stir so I get fully dressed and stare at myself in the mirror for a while to ask myself whether I look good enough.

"You look perfect" Ethan says in his groggy voice and it shocks me because I don't realise that he's awake. He laughs at me because I pounce backwards in fright.

"Thanks" I blush moving round to sit next to him in bed, he pulls me onto his lap and places a few kisses in the crook of my neck.

"Text me if you need me, I'll be on standby" he mumbles into my skin and I push his head back down into his pillow and he allows himself to sink into the mattress.

"I'll be back soon, don't miss me too much" I giggle blowing him a final kiss before heading towards the kitchen to grab something before I leave.

"Is sleepy up?" Grayson asks

"Eh he woke up for a good five minutes" I reply, asking for a peach from the fruit bowl which Grayson throws at me, I skilfully catch it and he applauds me.

"Don't let them hurt you, Elmo. Text if you need me" he shouts as there's a car horn from outside signalling that they are here to pick me up.

"Thanks, Gracie" I shout before jogging out the door towards Ellie who mimes for me to get into the passenger seat.

I slide in saying hi and notice that Hannah has indeed chosen to sit in the backseat, she only mumbles a hello before returning her gaze back down to her phone.

The photographer is called Andre and he's super nice, the girls seem to know him already but after an hour of posing I feel like I've known him forever myself.

Ellie is vlogging so I'm not exactly being myself, I'm trying to be more hyper so that I don't look boring on camera. We're all giggling, it kinda feels like back in high school... almost anyway.

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MY HANDS" I groan putting my hands up awkwardly in the air.


Andre shows me the camera after he's snapped a few and I'm kinda speechless, um how's he done that? I'm ugly and I look kinda decent in that.

When we get back in the car it feels like me and Ellie are back to what we used to be. We're singing along and the vlog camera is catching it all, including my awkward hand movements when I vibe to the music.

"Can we go in I need a wee?" Hannah asks and I look towards the twins house and shrug

"I'm sure they won't mind"

Ellie turns the car engine off and I walk straight in which makes Hannah scowl. I can tell they're both trying to figure the whole situation out with me and the twins but I'm not giving them the satisfaction of knowing.

Why should they know?

"Elmooooo" sings Grayson from the front room when he hears the front door open. I make sure that Ellie comes into his eye sight so that he doesn't accidentally say something bad about them.

"we missed you. It's kinda boring without you" Ethan smiles, softening his hard glare at Ellie when I slightly shake my head to tell him that it's been fine.

"Hey! I am not boring" Grayson scowls punching his brother, Ethan lunges for him and they begin to fight. I roll my eyes and turn back to Ellie who's giggling shyly at the boys.

"I'm leaving before I hurt you too bad" Ethan smirks trying to big himself up before leaving the living room.

"You want a drink?" I ask Ellie and she nods so we walk into the kitchen to get a glass of whatever we have in.

It makes me smile that I'm saying we, like I live here.

After a while, Hannah emerges and Ellie kisses me goodbye and they leave, honking the car three times before they reverse out the drive.

"How was that?" Grayson asks stopping me in the front room before I walk to Ethan's room.

"It wasn't too bad. I got some good pics" I smile and he says that he's happy for me. I leave him to watch the video on his phone like he had been doing previously.

I don't knock on Ethan's door I just open it up and starfish dive on top of him. He pulls my body up so that I'm sat on his lap, he has his back pressed against the headboard of his bed and his face holds a stern look.

"What's up with you baby?" I scowl trying to soften his face with my hands.

"I overheard Hannah on the phone, Ems" he states bringing his voice into a hushed whisper I scowl and let my arms drop to my side.

"What was she saying?" I ask in a mirroring whisper

"She was saying that she didn't know who you were dating yet and that she was trying and then proceeded to say that she was going to help THEM get here"

I furrow my eyebrows. I knew she was up to something that mother fucker.

"Any ideas on who it was?" I ask him and he nods

"Don't tell Gray, baby" he whispers bringing his lips to my ear and whispering "Lauren"

𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐍, 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐈𝐄Where stories live. Discover now