Its in our genes

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| Ethan's POV |

Emma's hand is fully wrapped round my index finger, shes sweating and truthfully so am I. I feel like everyone in this damn doctors is staring at us, judging us, even though they're definitely not.

I guess I'm always looking around for fans or phones or fans with phones, but the doctors promised that everyone in this waiting area is completely unaware of what social media even is.

Emma's leg is bouncing up and down anxiously as she waits for her name to be called and sure enough a middle aged woman calls her name from the door.

"Hello, my name is Doctor Watson please take a seat" she signals for Emma to sit upon the larger chair and I sit on the edge of my chair to be as close as possible to her "I'm guessing you're the father" the doctor asks and I nod trying not to cry already.

She dims the lights a little and begins to make small talk as she sets up the equipment.

I'm anxious so I can't imagine how Emma must be feeling right now.

"Okay so can you lift up your top?" She asks and Emma nods and wriggles the over sized jumper up to her chest.

I've noticed that she's started to wear more clothes like this and I know it's because she's self conscious but I haven't brought it up to her yet. I don't feel like it's my place.

"Okay this is going to be cold" she warns before spreading a jelly like liquid upon her stomach making her twitch "okay then let's take a look" the doctor says with an excited expression.

I grip tighter onto Emma's hand and lean even closer if that's even possible. The machine begins to flicker on and the woman moves the ultrasound around until the picture becomes a little clearer.

I squint at the screen to try and work out any of it and like the doctor is reading my mind she brings her finger down upon the screen we are looking at.

"That's your baby" she smiles circling the small tadpole looking shadow. Then her face falters and she just says "oh"

My heart drops and Emma widens her eyes and she looks between me and the doctor

"Oh what?" She asks already getting defensive which I find adorable "is my baby okay?" She panics and the doctor moves the equipment further and nods in agreement with herself before facing both of us.

"Your BABIES are BOTH perfectly fine. Good length and I do indeed have a heart beat from both"

I don't realise my mouth is hanging open until I look at Emma with the exact same expression plastered across her face. Two babies? TWO BABIES? TWINS

"You're having twins" the doctor finally states and Emma's free hand claps around her mouth and I squeeze her other hand "any twins in the family?" The doctor proceeds to ask as she pulls away to fiddle with more of the machinery.

"I'm a twin" I finally answer.

"And so is my dad" Emma blurts and I look at her in shock, I can't believe I didn't know that. Of course its in our genes to have twins.

"Would you like to hear their heartbeats?" The doctor asks and Emma vigorously nods her head and my heart melts and I manage a timid nod myself "the beating may be a little faint, but nevertheless it's there"

She turns up the volume and sure enough there is a small pattering heart beat of not one of my babies but two. I bite the inside of my cheek as my eyes begin to water with tears. I look across at Emma who sends me this smile I've never seen from her before.

She's so genuinely happy right now but yet she's crying and laughing, she's completely lighthearted and her cheeks are so high and rosey.

"The beats are steady" the doctor finalises before turning the volume back down "Would you like a picture?" She grins like she's happy for us and we both nod, completely speechless.

She prints the picture off as Emma rolls her jumper back down and she hands it to us, congratulating us before informing us about the next appointment.

When I swing myself into the car I take a second where I'm just grinning, doing absolutely nothing else. I turn to Emma who has this happy smile on her face too and then she speaks,

"I'm so in love" she whispers "with you" she pauses and smiles as if she's FINALLY ready to accept it, "and with our babies"

𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐍, 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐈𝐄Where stories live. Discover now