Please leave

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Isaiah's P.O.V
I didn't expect him to so blatantly disobey me it pissed me off but also made me wonder what classification he was. The school day ended with me thinking about nothing but Noah I can't get the guy out of my head it so strange. Walking out to my car I see none other than Noah walking home from school,"Noah do you need a ride" he shakes his head no and continues to walk this time I grab his hand "Noah we need to work together anyway so please" he reluctantly nods  his head yes and let's me take him home "when we get there we will work in the living room cause I don't want you in my room" he sighs annoyance lacing his face. Inside I'm greeted  by his mother who is a black lab it seemed and his father is her handler she growls in warning for who ever is new to come forward his  father taps her wrist telling her to chill and she does "oh sweetie
  you didn't mention having a friend over" she smiles sweetly but there is warning in her eyes he says sorry and walks to the living room to get our stuff together after and hour our working he rushes off to the bathroom. "Please leave" he says tears brimming his eyes and legs crossed as to hide something slowly nodding my head I get up to leave.

Noah's P.O.V
I wet myself I can't believe I wet myself this is why I hate being a little when I slip I always end up doing this ugh I walk back out and ask Isaiah to leave he agrees an walks out. As he leaves I began to cry my mother notices and lays her head on my shoulder as to calm me down she's almost always in headspace and I'm ok with it; she's really my only best friend my father walks over and assessed the situation he then calls my aunt diamond "hey Noah's slipped and he needs help" looking at me with concern and worry in his eyes. My aunt walks through the door ten minutes later "Dia hewp me peas" I mumble slipping from embarrassment , she quickly gets me changed and lays me down "thank you  aunty diamond" I never usually stay in little space for long and if I do slip I force myself out I'm not supposed to be weak,there is no way I will allow myself to be little,I haven't actually been in little space in almost five months and its starting to take a  toll.I can't really remember how to to certain things anymore, last week I forgot how to tie my shoe   So now I need  Velcro sneakers but the more big kid kind I also can't change my self anymore  which leads to me peeing myself,I don't have any little things at all no pacis  or stuffies no nothing I'm starting to go insane without a daddy but I will not let myself slip or let any one find out at school; I'd die if I was found out.

Word count :524

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