Wanted dead or alive

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Author note: first of all WHAT you guys have gotten me to 112.K reads thank you I see the notification for the votes every day and I smile real big. Thank you beautiful people soo much and yes I see the please update comments and I'm here to deliver another beautiful chapter of Daddy's Unstable Prince.

Isaiah's P.O.V
At the door I'm met with very familiar green and blue eyes and the sound of low growling his father pats his mother on the shoulder giving her a warning look he sighs and welcomes me in "come on in Isaiah." I nod silently and walk in with a still sleeping Noah. "Listen we shouldn't have gotten mad at you for what happened it's our fault and we took the opportunity to pan it off on someone." He wipes his face and continues "he was injured when he was younger and it shattered his mark as a little it healed but lost proper function that's why he can't be comfy in his little space." I waited for him to continue "when his mother was 16 a guy from her school convinced her that they were mates and since she had not reached the age where she could tell she believed him , they began to date. But during the month of her 18th birthday I transferred to her school in search of my mate on her 18th birthday she came to school and we bumped into each other her mark glowed, we stared at each other in complete shock. Long story short the same guy she was with started beating her telling her that he was her master and she could have no one else. she agreed to get him to stop and at night while he slept she would sneak out see me when she was 20 I got her pregnant with Noah. She had to convince him that it was his child and he believed her until he caught her on, the last day of Noah's first month he took Noah and kicked her out he kept Noah for 6 more months and began hurting him one night  later he sliced Noah's little mark and put him on our front door step he was bleeding out and crying, we rushed him to the hospital and they were able to fix his skin but not the nerves that connected his little mind to his brain he would no longer be normal in little space." Looking over at his mother she was weeping and clutching her husband tight when we heard running coming down the stairs.

Diamond's P.O.V
I'm online searching how to break terrible news to littles without killing their innocence completely when I come across a page from work it's a poster for our lab that's labeled wanted dead or alive with the picture of the man who ruined my sisters life. Rushing down stairs in complete and udder shock I rush to my sister and show her the poster. She started screaming and hyperventilating she stops and whispers "he's gonna kill us." Fainting soon after.

Heyyy yes another chapter is out and I'm sorry that these take so long and are so short I really am trying my best but you guys are sooo patient and I love you all for it sooo much thank you all for waiting and D.U.P will be continued see you all next time. 🐺✌🏾

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