OFF &ON Full chapter

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Last Time on D.U.P: The last thing I remember  before going to sleep was whats wrong with my baby noah.

Isaiah's P.O.V
After thirty minutes I'm awake and waiting for a doctor tell me what's wrong with baby Noah ten more minutes go by and a doctor has finally called my name and his mother and father have been here since I called them after getting him to the hospital so they rush over with me the doctor goes on to say this "Noah has a very bad fever that will refuse to go down as long as he regresses to fast and will force his mind to age down,his mind refuses to regress with his body which causes his fever and at his age he should've accepted the mark but the mark on his body is black not blue like it's supposed to be that means his little side is slowly dying." His mother starts to growl at me and his father is fuming and at the same time they both say " you are no longer aloud to see our son this wouldn't have happened if he wasn't trying to please you." By now his mothers eyes have turned bright blue and his fathers green I try to get them to understand but I was cut off by his mother growling at me to leave I do as instructed and leave the building. My insides were crushed I can't believe I pushed him when he didn't ever want to be a little and now if he sees me again his little side is gonna die.

Noah's P.O.V
I woke up in a white room oh it's the hospital I pushed myself to hard and passed out god I'm such an idiot looking over I see my parents in the corner sleeping my mom curled up on my dads lap with her face in his neck. I go to move but wince in pain as my birth mark throbs in pain my mom picked up on my breathing and woke up and rushed over to me waking my father in the process "omg ! Baby boy are you ok I was so worried when Isaiah called me." "Yes mom I'm fine where is Isaiah anyway" her face took on a somber look as her mood got worse "I kicked him out he is the reason your in the hospital." My jaw dropped he put me in the hospital as I sat there scratching my head trying to remember why I'm in here my phone rings it's Isaiah.

Phone convo

I:"Hey Noah I just wanted to say I'm so sorry for pushing you past your breaking point I don't think we should see each other any more."

The line goes dead after he finishes talking I'm too puzzled to call back and ask what he means so I sit there silent tears streaming down my face my father becomes alarmed as does my mom they have never really seen me cry. "Oh my god Noah are you ok why are you crying are you in pain are you hurt what's wrong!" my father asks running around in panic before he hit the button to call a nurse I stop him,"no papa I'm not hurt I'm just sad the one time I got close to getting a daddy he thinks he can't see me anymore cause he thinks he pushed me too far when really my little space is so unbalanced that it causes me to get a fever." My father pushes the button after I let go of his hand and a nurse comes in "hi Noah I see your awake according to our charts your little side seems to be dying." He comes over to prove his point by lifting up my shirt and showing my mark but stops short of saying any thing he calls in another nurse before saying any thing. The second nurse comes in and pokes it causing me to wince and my mom to growl "Noah it seemed we have made some type of mistake your little mark when you came in was black but now it's back to its vibrant blue of your little side" she looks amazed but also worried going into deep thought she leaves the room to come back with some blood drawing equipment . The moment she comes close to me I slip completely for the first time and scream at the top of my lungs "NUUU NUU NUU NO POINTIES NO POITNIES PEAS NO POINTIES !" My mother rushes to call auntie diamond after the call she tells the nurse to wait on the test my father then picks me up and places me on his lap rocking back and forth trying to stop my crying and screaming. "Dia the pointies they gonna hurt me." She rushes over and scoops me out of my fathers arms bouncing a little she sits down with me in lap and tells the doctors to continue she puts my arm on top of hers and I look away tears pouring out of my eyes, "little neo we are all done" the nurse rubs my arm and gives me a ring pop and takes my blood with her the doctor walks in and hands us papers to be released. He comes back in and hands us a list of all the little things I'll need he hands my parents a prescription for head space assistance . After leaving the hospital we head to the store to get some little space items and we are only starting with small amounts of things except the diapers and pull up we got lots of them we only started out with one outfit ,some plain pacis , two of my first stuffies there is a purple space one his name is inky cause he sorta looks like purple ink and the tan ones name is peanut cause he kinda looks like peanut butter I also got a new phone case to show my little side at school,babas and blankies and lots of other things except a crib I will not sleep in a crib at home. We pay and leave the store with little stuff and get ready for the beginning of a very Unstable prince hood.

Heeyyy I know it's been a bit but here's a new chapter for you guys and it may seem like it's not going anywhere but the story will progress trust me.


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