Training little noah

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Noah's P.O.V

I'm debating on  if I should say  yes it must have too me too long to answer cause he stops plain in his tracks "Noah I'm sorry if I'm in your business I didn't mean for it to come out that way I'm just really not used to this being a whole daddy dom thing and,I was hoping that while helping you I could get better I'm sorry"  he looks away nervous at what I'm going to say "yes" I nod my head and continue to walk he catches up bright smile on his face,we walk to the door in comfortable silence "umm so for training do you wanna come over to my house I already have a nursery I have one cause I'm going to start out with my little at home" I nod my head and he takes me to his car, I began to get sleepy so nodding my head came naturally "hey buddy if your sleepy you can go ahead and sleep" I shake my head only for a yawn to come right after so I give up the good fight and let sleep consume me.

Isaiah's P.O.V
I arrive home thirty minutes later and go to wake Noah up he's so cute  when he's sleeping. I really don't want to wake him, but I do any way he groans and goes to get out the car stumbling he lands straight on his hands, not crying like I expected him to, he just sits there on the ground looking at his skinned hand not moving I think he's in shock after not moving for a good two minutes he looks up at me and silent tears begin to rush down his cheeks I would cry too if I had a freaking rock stuck in my hand helping him stand up we walk into to the house I get him patched up and ready for training "ok Noah I need to know can you slip into little apace at all by yourself" he shakes his head no,alright this is gonna be a lot of work but I love the challenge "well do you want to start trying today?" Closing his eyes I give him a paci to see if that will help after a while he doesn't open his eyes so I go to shake him only to hear his soft snores, oh my god he fell asleep I take the paci out of his mouth and his eyes pop open ,ok I have heard of this it's like he's trained his mind to think that sucking on something means he has to go sleep so we are gonna start with a bottle with coffee and creamer ice cubes "hey so you have trained your mind pretty well to think sucking on something means sleep time so imma give you som coffee ok?" He nods his head in understanding and I go to make the bottle, after making the bottle I came back and pat my lap he crawls over and takes it from my hands I stop him before he starts "hey I'll feed you." He looks confused as to why he can't do it himself "your a little I'm the caregiver I do this." Realization dawns on his face as he hands me the bottle and lays his head on my shoulder "good boy." I coo hoping he will slip I noticed it worked cause he starts to blush "aww does someone like being called a good boy?" He giggles and shakes his head I smile and lay him back so he can drink his bottle. After drinking his bottle he asks for more "not now baby boy later ok." He shakes his head no, I look at him again and say no ; his response is him screaming "I want more!" In my ear I scold him and tell him to knock it off or else it's a 20 minute timeout, throwing a fit he begins to whine, I calmly pick him up and sit him in a chair facing the corner "once you are ready to talk I'll be upstairs" stating this I walk away. Listing to him cry for 20 minutes is heart breaking ,I hear him toddle his way to my room " Izzy I sowwy ."he mumbles "Tell me why baby boy." He toddles his way over to me "I sowwy I a brat Izzy no like no mowe?" I pick him up placing his head in my shoulder rocking back and forth " of course I still like you little one we just have to train you so it doesn't happen again." Nodding in understanding He nuzzles his head in my shoulder; walking down stairs I set him on the ground and try the paci again this time he sucks happily.


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