Chapter Thirteen

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Oh my gods, I had a lot of aunts. I don't think they'd like it if I called them auntie, though. Just the thought of it makes me want to make them all a bunch of placards with the word auntie after every name. But, I won't do that because... I like hot showers, and I know they can restrict those privileges.

Clarisse joined Percy, Chiron, and I on our short walk to the Aphrodite cabin, and immediately, the Cabin head, a girl named Millie Gretchen Doe opened the door. "Hi, Chiron. Anything the cabin can help you with? Hi, Percy! Aletha! Clarisse?" She looked at each of us, though a bit happier to see Percy.

"Miss Doe, it seems that we need to talk to either Aphrodite herself or hold a cabin meeting to meet her and have her explain everything."

Her cherry front was immediately lost. "I haven't been Cabin head, very long, but I'm sure I can wrangle enough people to call Mom. Hey, Jin?" A boy whipped around. "Can you call a meeting? They like you more." Pouted Millie Gretchen.

"Of course!" Jin was half god, but evidently also half Asian. "APHRODITE CABIN MEETING," he shouted, before introducing himself to me. "Hi, I'm Jin Kim. Call me either of my names." He held his hand out for a firm handshake to Percy then myself. He grinned when the Aphrodite cabin began to gather in the middle of the cabin.

"So, What brings the famous Poseidon siblings around?" Asked Jin. "The inner gossip-monger is killing me for information. You guys are the talk of camp, especially Aletha. Do you have any idea how many of my younger brothers want to date you? You'd best keep her away from those annoying punks, Percy, Clarisse.

"And you, Aletha. You'd better be careful who you fall for. And when you do, gods know you won't talk to Percy or Clarisse. Come talk to me, yeah?" He smiled and I nodded blushing.

"You don't like her, do you?" Asked Percy suspiciously.

"No, I'm dating Joonie from the Athena cabin. I'm gay, you know?" Jin blushed and looked away. "Not to mention, Aletha is way too young for me."

"Yeah, and her mom was your half-sister. Really, Percy, thinking is Annabeth's thing. I know it's not ours, but you could at least try." Clarisse groused.

I would've written something, but Jin had wrapped me into a big hug. "A niece?" He squealed. A manly squeal... huh. "Now I definitely have to have you come over! What was your your Mom's name, Aletha? I'm like the oldest camper, and even though I only visited, I've been coming here often."

'Her name was Lila Farènce.' I wrote down, making sure my handwriting was as neat as possible while adding flowers to her name, which I'd written in the fanciest writing I could manage.

"Lila? Farènce? You couldn't mean from 99, could you? We called her Liles. She was amazing, but like me she only visited. Let's see here... mom might have some better stories, but I remember this one time, a guy kept trying to ask her out, and one day she'd finally had it with being polite and saying no, and she challenged him to a duel. No Aphrodite Kid ever challenges others to battles. But, anyway, she did that, she won by such a landslide, and that kid left with the most angry look on his face! I was only seven, then." He smiled at the memory. "She was my favorite sister. You wouldn't mind telling me any stories about her from your side, would you?"

I shook my head, glad to have found someone who appreciated my mom. Though I couldn't imagine her picking up a heavy sword. I started writing. 'One of the reasons I'm here is to get answers from Grandma. Though, I'm not sure how pleased she'll be if I call her that. Anyway, I saw her holding me on a beach, meeting my dad for the last time and Grandma came, too. She loved the beach, because of Dad, I think.' I erased it and wrote again. 'She never wore makeup. I remember she went to Sephora once, I was five years old, and she had a rant about how the makeup was bad for skin and how they were applying it all wrong. They had to escort us out of the mall because she wouldn't stop!' I wrote. Jin smiled and nodded.

"It was so unusual for a Daughter of Aphrodite to not use makeup." Jin looked back at the circle. "Everyone's here! Let's go."

"Oh, Aphrodite, Goddess of beauty and love!" He said, and each person repeated. "We beg for your presence; a reason of utmost importance!"

They continued this and I nearly fell asleep when a BRIGHT PINK GLOW emitted from between them all. I kept my eyes on Clarisse who was confused and Percy who was even more confused.

The Aphrodite Cabin all cried out: "Mom!" And The most beautiful woman turned around, her long blonde hair swooshing gracefully over her shoulder as she embraced each child. She hugged Jin last, and turned to me, and at that moment I was glad I couldn't talk in front of people, because I didn't know what to say. Especially since she looked like an older version of mom, right now.

Her eyes teared up as she laid eyes on me, and I couldn't help but silently cry either when we embraced. "Aletha!"

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