Chapter Twenty Three

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What's my name?

It's Aletha Farènce.

Who am I?

You're a daughter of Poseidon.

What is going on?

A test is taking place.

What is this place?

A place where you can be happy and enjoy life as much as you want.

But what's the point of being happy if that's all you can feel? What's the point of happy without a taste of anguish?

Anguish will be coming your way, even if I tried to stop it. Now, be at peace. You are safe with me, your father.

I nod at the voice in my head, no choice but to accept the position I've been put in. I try to think of things from my past, things I almost remember. A fuzzy boy with messy jet black hair and sea green eyes, a sword slung at his hip. A blonde girl with grey eyes that pierce through the blurriness. It's like I need glasses badly. A strong looking girl with a certain fire in her eyes. I can't seem to remember any of these people. Two men, both tall and asian, looking at each other. The tallest has piercing gray eyes like the girl. Maybe they're related. And the other, broad-shouldered has eyes that change color with each second I concentrate on the picture. The tall one has his arm wrapped around the second man's waist, how cute!

Then, I see the only clear image in this picture, myself. Jet black hair, like the first boy, holographic eyes like the broad-shouldered man, but despite it being clearer than everything else, all I can see is a patch of this guy. One I can't put my finger on, but I know he's important like all the others. He's dressed in all black, and his eyes are grey as well, but not warm like the tall man or the blonde girl's eyes. They're less of a wise grey, closer to the slated gray of steel or stone, the type that marks a gravestone. His hair is fluffy, and darker than mine, and though he's not tanned, the look seems to suit him well. His cold eyes are surprisingly inviting when they look up towards me, since I've realized I'm sitting on someone's shoulders. The one that had hair like me.

P- _-_-C-_? That's familiar, I guess. Maybe if I look at them long enough I'll remember their names?

I was wrong apparently. That's like glaring at a math book hoping it'll begin to make sense but the numbers just fly around your head and through your nerves. I sigh exhaustedly and lie down. I feel tired; I suppose I didn't used to sleep much, even if it is my favorite hobby. A lullaby should do it.

Nico POV

Something isn't right. No, I'm not complaining about the sun's non-stop brightness, though that is pretty high on the topic of things that bother me at this moment. Nor is it that my clothes smell like... Percy. Eww. I don't want Eau de Percy to be my new go to perfume. That's like bathing in salt water and then having sand up your underwear, it's horrible.

What isn't right, is it feels like something is missing. I close my eyes and try to imagine. There's Jin and Namjoon, two of my friends. Percy and Annabeth, as PDA as ever. And Clarisse, another close friend. Since when do I talk to al these people? How did I meet Jin? And Namjoon? And when did Clarisse even start talking to me?


Huh? I haven't heard that song in ages. And who's singing it anyway. It's almost like the person is in the back of my head, just one of the more pleasant whispers. The most pleasant. Maybe I'm just missing Bianca? No, I talked to her last week. Maybe it's a signal to go back to sleep? Maybe...

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