Chapter 30: Poseidon

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"-it's getting more serious. The animals around her testify to it, she turned into a whirlpool, and we don't know h o w." Triton explained, glancing at where Aletha sat like a scolded child a room over. She was curled up, head on her knees and covered in a weighted blanket. "Dad."

"She's a legacy and a demi-goddess. It's no wonder she's able to do such things. Though, J wasn't expecting this to happen in the middle of this... son of Hades, thing. In hindsight, this may have been a bit unreasonable."

"A bit?"

"Just a t a d." Poseidon chuckled deeply. "Well, I... I don't suppose it's against the rules to help train her a bit. So she doesn't... you know. Accidentally destroy the world."

"Dad, you're the Olympian and the King, not me. Why are you asking me?"

"Good point. Why couldn't you be as nice to Percy as you are to her?"

"That kid's a prat." Triton complained, "and it's no secret that you prefer him."

Poseidon looked over Triton. "You don't seriously think I favor any of you over the other."

"I do. And it's true, you do. I've accepted it, and it's high time you realize you're not exactly the parent of the millennium. No one expects that of you."


"Go talk to Aletha, please," Triton cracked his neck exhaustedly. "I've got to go do your paperwork."

"...thanks. Son." Poseidon sighed, and knocked at Aletha's door. "Hey, small fry." Poseidon, in a tacky Hawaiian shirt and khaki shorts sat down at the sofa. "So... I see your fatal flaw's affecting you a lot more. Empathy. That's a tough one, huh?"

"Hm." Aletha affirmed, distractedly. "I was all emotional, and then when Triton tried to lead me back home I went calm and relieved."

"That's useful," Poseidon snorted, "kid never talks about his feelings. What else?"

"Oceanus or something, and I was fighting a monster... it feels mean to call uh... them?? That. And then... my legs... weren't... t h e re ?"

"Turned into a whirlpool?"

"Yeah. It was pretty cool, actually but... I wasn't expecting it. I wish I could do it again."

"It happens when you open Charybdis. Whirlpool is an attribute I would apply to her. It's not unlikely for you to be able to be able to become a whirlpool at wish when using your voice."

"My voice?"

"...I forgot you don't know anything. I really regret being dramatic about this. Basically, your mother was a daughter of Aphrodite, and you're my daughter. This means you have the benefits of any my children, along with some special ones that come specifically with being related to Aphrodite as well."

"Oh." Aletha didn't really get it, but she guessed it sorta made sense.

Poseidon rested a hand gently on her head, giving her a light, casual pat, "do you want something, Aletha?"

"...Triton said I have more brothers."

"Percy and Tyson. Percy's on his way here now, and Tyson's around. Would you like me to tell you about them?"

"Yes, please."

"Well... let me get started with Percy, he's the oldest. You're both very close, too," Poseidon started, "there's a lot of blue food coloring involved—!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2020 ⏰

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