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The Pit

The blankets of Percy's bed could do nothing to withstand the chilling cold of the outside air. Even his powers were struggling to help him. After multiple attempts to get warm, Percy finally gave out a frustrated groan, before he sat up.

"Dad, what is up with you guys? It's too freaking cold!" Percy yelled at the ceiling, hoping his father would hear. Not like it would help much anyways.

Seemingly out of nowhere, it had seemed as if the gods had cut themselves off from him. They would visit camp almost everyday, trying to repent for making their children fight their wars, but all of them avoided Percy like the plague.

Something in the demigods' gut was warning him. Screaming at him to ready himself. After getting no response, and seeing no change in temperature come about, Percy's anger exploded. The fountain in the corner that had been a gift from his father cracked and leaked onto the floor, while the waves outside the camp started to pick up.

It had taken time, but the continuous avoidance among other things had caused the demigods anger to well up, before it finally burst.

Throwing on a shirt and some pants to at east look somewhat decent, The son of Poseidon manipulated the water until a mist seemed to fill the entrance of the cabin, before he flipped a drachma through it.

"Hey Fleecy, do me a solid and show me Lord Poseidon." Percy said quietly, hoping at least this god was listening to him. Much to his surprise and gratitude, the misty rainbow quickly started to form a picture of A sickly Poseidon sitting in his throne.

Even with how angry he was, it hurt him to see his father like this. So, putting his own anger aside, "Dad, what's up? You don't look too good." Percy said, concern lacing his voice.

Poseidon's head instantly snapped to the picture, his eyes wide. "Perseus? How... never mind... you can't call me." The god said, his voice slowly growing more dejected.

"What do you mean I can't call you? And what's wrong with you? You look sick." Percy said, trying to help his father.

"If Zeus finds out..." Poseidon started, before all the color drained from his face as the audible sound of thunder rumbling in the background could be heard. After a brief moment, the god of the seas straightened himself, and wiped the look of despair from his face.

"Perseus Jackson, you've been requested by Zeus, your king, to appear before us in the throne room. Your king, being as gracious as he is, has given you two hours to appear." The god said before swiping his hand through the mist.

Percy hadn't been this angry since his breakup with Annabeth; The daughter of wisdom claiming he was no longer the one she fell in love with. Once again letting out a frustrated sigh, the demigod threw on his favorite pair of sneakers, before making his way towards the stables.

"Blackjack, buddy, you awake?" Percy whispered, trying to keep his voice low.

"Of course boss. I'm ready whenever you need me." The Pegasus replied.

"Always knew I could count on you. Can you give me a ride to Olympus, drama queen is demanding my presence." Percy said, his voice dripping in sarcasm.

"Sure boss, but can we get doughnuts on the way back? The campers don't feed me enough." Blackjack asked, already tasting the delicious treat.

"Always. Now, to Olympus." Percy whispered as he climbed onto the horses back.

The ride from Long Island Sound to Manhattan was peaceful, but the air seemed to hold a deafening silence to it, as if it were warning Percy. Normally he would have landed at the bottom of the Empire State Building and taken the elevator, but Percy didn't have the patience to deal with the receptionist, and plus, always better to be early as can be. The Pegasus lightly touched down outside of the throne room, before letting Percy off.

"Go find someplace to hang out, I'll be back in a few minutes." Percy said, scratching the mythical horse beyond the ear.

The demigod steeled his nerves, and did his best to bottle his anger, before giving a wistful sigh. All he wanted was for the gods to make it warmer at camp, but no, now he has to attend a meeting. Screw them and their stupid meetings. Percy pushed open the throne room doors, before he walked to the center of the room.

"And why do you not bow to us, Perseus. We are your superiors." Zeus sneered, a look of disgust marring his face.

"Well, I was planning on it, but if you wanna be like that, then I guess I won't. Not like you guys deserve it anyway." Percy said, muttering the last part.

"What was that punk?" Ares growled. "Don't make me hurt you little demigod." The god said as he summoned his spear.

"What, like you tried to last time? I don't have time for this. What do you need me for." Percy seethed.

"You are just making this decision easier for us, demigod." Zeus said. "As you may have noticed, we gods have taken to avoiding you. There is another great prophecy set to come about and while this new one involves you once again, we have seen fit to try and replace you. No longer will you hold the power to raze Olympus."

At this news, Percy's expression changed rapidly, from shock, to confusion, to anger. No doubt aided by the war gods presence, Percy could feel his anger spiraling downwards.

"You mean to tell me, that you pompous fucks, have been avoiding me because you're afraid that I'll complete another prophecy? Are you still scared that I'm going to betray you? Are you kidding me? My fatal flaw is Loyalty!" The demigod roared. "You know what? I don't even care. Have fun with whatever is coming, because I'm not fighting it for you."

Percy glared at each of the council members, his hatred seeping into the forces of the marble floor. Unsurprisingly, Ares returned the glare, while many of the other council members looked disheartened. Like they actually cared, but Percy would have none of that. He no longer cared about how they felt because they surely didn't care about him. He'd saved their asses more times than he could count, done numerous quests for each and every one of them, and now they turn their backs on him. Maybe Luke had been right.

"And so the hero falls." The King of the Gods said, giving the demigod a viscous grin. "For your disloyalty to Olympus, and for abandoning your oath to protect the Gods and their children, you shall be forced back down into the pit you once crawled out of.

At this, many of the gods protested, voicing their previously unspoken wills. They had only just recently learned of the newest prophecy, and none of them had really figured out the best path through it. Not to mention, plenty of the gods and goddesses had come to like or at least respect the son of Poseidon. 

"You can't do this! He's my son!" The sea god roared, slamming his trident into the marble floor.

"He's our only chance to survive what's coming." Athena said, trying to reason with her father. She'd despised the demigod when he'd been dating Annabeth, but now that they were no longer together, she saw no reason to get rid of their strongest weapon.

"I'm sorry Perseus, for what has be fallen you. No hero should have to bear what you will have to in the coming future." Percy heard a gentle voice whisper in his ear. The demigod tried to figure out who had said it, but they were too busy arguing with their king.

"Silence!" Zeus roared. "Goodbye Perseus." The god said before he muttered something and gave a gesture with his hand.

Percy could feel the floor start to break apart at his feet, and tried to control it with his earth-shaker powers. Imagine that, the ultimate step of defiance, but even with all his strength, he couldn't stop what was to come.

"So be it, Zeus. I hereby renounce my loyalty to Olympus. Be careful Olympians, or I may just be fighting against you." The demigod said, before the the marble floor finally ripped itself apart, revealing the ominous red glow of the pit. The son of Poseidon had only just escaped months ago, and now here he was falling back in.

New story idea, don't no where it came from, but should be a fun one to explore. I hope you guys like the different twist of 'betrayal'! The normal thing people do really irks me because it's just so unbelievable, so I hope this works! See ya!

I've decided, after over a year, to come back and actually rewrite this. Not because it's my most successful, but because it's by far my favorite story that I've written. I hope you'll all take the time reread through this story as its going to be changed quite a bit.

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