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Perseus could only smile as he looked out over his ever sprawling domain. It had been almost a year since his coronation and all his plans were baring fruit. He had spent months turning the recklessness of the monsters into something more organized, creating towns, forcing them to evolve and adapt.

It was slow moving, but he was forcing them into his ways, creating a governmental tree, with himself at the top. The constant influx of damned souls and newly born monsters helped add to the effects. His population was forever growing, and without need to supply food or water, it was like he'd been given a Kingdom on Easy mode. All he had to worry about was keeping the populace obedient and ready to kill his enemies.

His army was ever growing, trained by monsters that he had tutored himself. No longer would they be sent to their deaths. No, they would fight, and they would kill. They would be more than difficult for Demigods, and they would be able to overwhelm the random immortals they would cross.

He'd not only trained them in the Greek and Roman styles, but had added various components from across history. He had legions of Cyclops that would mirror the Romans, thousands of Scythian Dracaena archers, and dozens of units of makeshift Cavalry. That last one had been a bit hopeful, but turns out that sticking Telekhines with spears on the back of Hell Hounds made one fearsome charge.

The immortal slowly got up from his throne, drawing confused looks from his two domains, before signaling them to follow. Perseus donned his tattered cape, ruined from his expeditions into the deepest part of depth, but something that he vowed to never change.

"It is time. Apollyon, you will deliver a warning to the gods. War is coming, and it will not let anything stand in its way." Percy said, securing bracers to his forearms.

"Of course, my lord." The fallen priestess purred before disappearing in an obsidian flash.

"Andromeda, you will accompany me. I think it's time to pay the demigods a visit." The god said, getting a surprised but excited nod from the fallen princess. He grabbed her arm before flashing the two of them to the the center of Camp Half-Blood.

As the entrancing onyx light died down, the god found himself surrounded by a group of demigods, more coming from multiple different directions. His eyes flew over the assembled teens, until one stepped forward, a sword in one hand, a very recognizable sword at that.

"Who are you? And why are you in my camp?" The demigod asked, ready to defend his friends to the death if need be.

"I suggest you put the weapon down before you upset my lord." Andromeda hissed, her wings unfurling. Many of the demigods eyes widened at the sight, some reaching for weapons while others seems to be frozen.

"Hush princess, we are here on peaceful terms." The immortal said, laying a hand on the domain's arm. The domain instantly complied, her wings tucking back in.

"Now, Charlie, why don't you put the sword away." Perseus asked, displaying his hands outward.

"How do you know my name? I've never met you." Charlie asked, a wary look on his face.

"Oh but you have. Who do you think have you that sword? You seem to have grown tremendously since then, so I suppose you may not remember."

"Percy..." Charlie whispered, the sword lowering slightly in his hand. "What happened to you? You look nothing like all the photos."

"Maybe some other time, kid. For the reason I'm here, I need to speak with your mother." Perseus said, his eyes still looking for the blonde princess curls.

"She... she died a long time ago." Charlie said, his nerves coming back to him. His mom had warned him of Percy, and how twisted he could become if things went wrong. She told him about the time in Tartarus with Misery, and how she believed he didn't seem to be in the right state of mind. "Percy, come with me. We can talk to the gods, get you all the help you need. Camp misses you."

The god's eyes widened, before narrowing. Charlie could only watch as the 'princess' whispered something into the immortal's ear. As the demon talked, the demigod could see a dark edge appear, as if he was looking at the edge of pit itself.

They killed her. They threw you out, and then got rid of her. The gods are fearful of anyone who grows too powerful. Do you see why we've pushed you so hard the past year. Every single whisper was pushing you in the right direction. Take vengeance for not only you, but for her. Show them who holds more power now. Kill them.

Perseus slowly clenched his left hand, a vengeful snarl coming across his face as he watched the campers freeze, their blood no longer moving. He continued to close it until his nails dig into his palms, the smile never leaving as the demigods collapsed to the ground, hanging on the very edge that he had been on multiple times before.

"A war is coming, Olympian Spawns. I will kill the gods, and if you choose to get in my way, I will not hesitate in bringing you down to my domain." Percy whispered, the air around him carrying his voice to ears of each and every demigods. And then, he disappeared, flashing away in the same onyx light as before, only to not reappear where he had planned.

Instead of finding himself back in his throne room, he found himself in the primordial throne room, each and every one of its occupants glaring at him. Their aura's threading to crush him as their power pulsed with rage.

None were more angry then the one sitting on a throne seemingly made of galaxies.

"Perseus Jackson."

Ooooh, a war is coming.

Thought I'd share it.

Prince of Tartarus (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now