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Marching on Olympus

Perseus stalked up and down in front of the soldiers. Each and everyone of them outfitted and equipped with the best gear possible, their obsidian armor glinting in the harsh light of the pit.

His soldiers, the ones he was counting on to hold off the demigods, has been training since his ascension to the throne, training to kill the people he used to call friends. The army consisted mostly of monsters, but also held more than a few fallen demigods, many scattered throughout various ages. Some of them were infamous, others were famous, all were cast down by the Olympians.

"Soldiers!" Percy shouted, coming to a stop in front of his two domains, the ones he counted on to lead his army. The soldiers instantly fixed their stance, hands clasped at the small of their back, feet shoulder width apart, back straight, and head forward.

"Today we march on Olympus! They are scared, but do not underestimate them. The cornered animal will fight harder than it ever has before. I have the upmost faith in every single one of your abilities. You have been training for this for over a year, all of you learning from the best and brightest. I have no doubt in our strength, and know this; today is the day that their reign will end!" Perseus bellowed. The soldiers tried to keep themselves professional, but many could not help the evil smiles and vengeful grins that adorned their face, while others cried out in readiness.

Revenge had been on everyone's mind, and with Perseus, their king, leading them, they had no doubt that they would win. All of the demigods had given everything they had to their parents and Olympus as a whole, and each were thrown away, only to come back, vengeance raging in their hearts and minds.

"Apollyon, I want you to take your half up through the Underworld, kill all of the gods you can find and lay siege to Elysium. Andromeda, you will march with me on Olympus, just like we planned. My battle against the Olympians won't take long." Percy said before trailing off, an odd look in his eyes.

The two domains shared a look of absolute glee, before it was quickly replaced by determination. They would do exactly as their master commanded, and they would not fail.

"Everyone join arms!" Apollyon shouted.

Perseus found himself at the entrance of Olympus, just past where the elevator would open up. Thankfully with his powers he could skip that which had agitated him so much before. Various minor immortals and spirits gave him odd looks, not quite realizing what he was hear to do, but he ignored them. They would get their dues.

The thought brought a slow smile to the immortals face, before he couldn't help but giving a little chuckle. Zeus had always feared that he would try and overthrow him, and here Perseus comes, he's come to overthrow the king!

Some of the more intelligent minor gods' realized what he was here for and pushed to intercept them. Not that it particularly mattered as each of them were caught in his grip, their ichor stalled forcing them to painfully succumb to his will. Any who opposed him were met with zero mercy as he continued towards his goal.

Finally, the demigod turned god, finding himself in front of the two massive bronze doors leading to the throne room. With a gentle nudge, they opened, revealing twelve Olympians dressed in full battle armor. The immortal quickly scanned the room looking for the last Olympian, and was somewhat delighted to find the only goddess he still considered without fault, gracefully sitting off to the side, tending the hearth.

"Just like I thought, when pushed far enough, the hero will crack, no matter his flaw." Zeus said with a smirk, like he had done something unbelievable. Which in all honesty, he had.

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