[ Arc 1.15 ]

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Here's another update. (●'∀`●)


As Lucielle placed his focus away from the system who was publicly emitting a menacing aura around it and glanced upon the man who casually stared back with his sharp golden-like eyes. Although the man did not look away from the small youth, Lucielle continued to stare boldly which nearly confused the man.

With silence between them, Lucielle first tore his focus of sight from the man and took out his tablet and wrote down a couple of words in order to show some gratitude.

"Thank you"

Seeing the words, the man only replied with , "No problem". Hearing the bluntness located within the tone of the man's voice, Lucielle felt very stiff being together with the man, remembering what he did earlier Lucielle only passed the man's action for returning the favor. Of course, this was simply not the case, the man himself was confused with his own actions, why did he, himself help the small youth when he was in trouble?

Feeling some pain within his chest where the heart was hidden, the man harshly bit his chapped lips which only made them dark red similar to the color of blood.

He could have simply walked passed the youth and went on by but somehow by instinct jolted to protect the youth form being crushed by the many students in the hallway. The man did not know the reason why, he simply thought that it was most possibly due to the fact that he felt guilty as he was the one who nearly fractured his wrist in a harmful way. Whilst thinking with some progress, the man slowly shook his head causing himself to look quite strange in front of Lucielle who was about to place back the tablet until another loud ringing echo traveled the hallways, making himself flinch during his actions.

With his eyes wide open, Lucielle was on the verge to panic but composed himself and made his expressions more gentle than it should be. As his mind that is about to go into the process to rethink of a plan, Lucielle dazed at the man fluttering his eyelashes and angled his body to bow almost halfway down to greet the man goodbye.

Writing with his pen, Lucielle wrote, "I guess this is farewell. See you next time."

As if his words can be heard from his mouth, the man swore that he listened to the sounds of a gentle and subtle whisper coming from the youth but immediately shook that thought off when he remembered that the youth must be mute and could not be able to speak. Before the man could think once more, he looked to up to see the youth's tablet added with a simple yet daring question.

"Ah? You want to know my name?" the man spoke the youth's question outloud, yet seemed to be very surprised due to the point that the man himself was not very sociable with the peers located within the school.

Biting his lips once more, the man hesitated before revealing his name with his low yet seductive voice that had poked onto one of Lucielle's strings within his vast mind.

"...My name is...Eros..." The man responded but had a hint of struggle when revealing his first name yet attempted not to show his weakness but even a single movement of muscle could not escape the eye of the youth who was questioning the man within his mind.

Slightly tilting his head to one side, Lucielle did not mind much as it was clearly not his business to pry into someone else's privacy but with the system, the situation made it very hard not to. Appearing to be interested, Lucielle smiled gleefully and had his chance to write down his name even though the other did not ask, but before he could even lift the pen, another bell rang echoing and made Lucielle flinch in realization.

The man noticed the youth standing quite abnormally still and felt something or someone swish by near them within the hall, secretly glaring at what he noticed, the man spoke up to break away between the interaction.

"Hey...I think you should get to class." Eros told the youth as he stared deeply into his blossom like eyes and quickly tore away since it appeared unreal. Without taking another glance, the man started to walk in one direction as he spoke with a monotone voice, "Farewell." Saying goodbye, Lucielle waited and continued to stare at his back until he disappeared from within his sight before he had to walk the opposite direction to his classes, and while Lucielle began to walk, he called the system to answer some of his question.

'System.' Lucielle spoke bluntly, although this time, it was very broad and harsh sounding which made the system's screen crawl with a hint of danger.

[W-What is it host?] Ignoring the fact that Lucielle did not call him by his feared nickname, the system had lost all control of his combat and faced its host with nothing but itself.

Continuing with the system's question, Lucielle replied, 'Can you tell me what has happened so far with the main female lead?'

[Oh...um... The female lead is doing nothing that appears to be of importance...]

'Hey. I asked you a question. Answer it seriously, don't answer it with minimal information.' Lucielle snapped and the system froze, with fear labeled upon its wings, the system realized that the aura around its host was far more different than the other times, very much more cold and seemingly dangerous. The system is no longer meeting with Lucielle's normally annoying and joyful self, it is currently meeting with someone much more different, and it clearly was not a good thing.

[A...Ah, okay. Um, the female lead earlier was eavesdropping on host and the second main male lead but doesn't know that Host was with the second male lead as she could have only seen the back of the male lead although she does know that you, Host were present there... And currently is striding back to her classroom with a menacing aura around her, she seems to have plans for host, but is does not seem important. ] the System blurted out the information Lucielle had desired, although with different reactions tied to it.

'How interesting. The person who I met, was actually the second male lead!' Lucielle wickedly laughed mentally and sounded truly evil to the system who shriveled up in pure fear.

'I must say, he is a fine man. He clearly seems suitable to go along with my plan...' Lucielle pointed out as he reached the door of his next class, stopping for nearly a second before he slid the door open to one side.

Meeting every students gaze along with the teacher, Lucielle quietly went in step by step to sit in one of the empty seats in the back of the classroom. While walking up the steps, Lucielle noticed in the corner of his eye that the female lead was currently here and secretly smirked when no one noticed. Sitting down within the empty cold seat, the teacher from below soon asked him a question that everybody could hear, even from the nearest end of the room.

"Xavier, why were you late?" the teacher glanced at Lucielle, and soon glared with hints of distain, leaving Lucielle's first impression to not be quite as good.

As to hearing the teacher's question, Lucielle clenched onto the tablet he was still holding onto and quickly wrote bold letters so that the teacher who was distances away could see.

"I was lost."

Speechless upon seeing those words, the teacher sighed and went back to her desk as she said, "You are new here so I let this slip, but next time I will mark you, Xavier." After the teacher laid down the situation, the class began by going over what the class was currently learning from last time but Lucielle endured as he was not failing in such a small subject and easily caught up, excelling in the process. Although Lucielle looked as if he was paying attention, he was clearly glancing over to see the female lead glaring at him with hostile and earth-vexing pair of eyes.


Comment Grammar errors.


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